sehemu ya 2:
Living in the presence – What is important today?
Looking outside, we have to accept that our world is like a permanent moving ball. Science, technic and economy surprises us with new realizings daily. Our world has got “smaller” – but in the same way the challenges and tasks of our daily life have multiplied.
One of the biggest challenges of today is to find ways to evangelize in a form that is understood.
Important and unimportant news, advertisement and the several possibilities of communication of modern media guide many people along the day. In the working world the pressure to generate more output without more money on is increasing. In some areas people are forced to work overtime. In others we find stagnation or recession over months or even longer. More and more people are caught by fear about their future, which is underpinned by reports of job cuts, money savings, job loss, na kadhalika. From the distance it looks like a big win. But if you come closer you will recognize upset that it turns out to be a kind of rat race – where ALL are part of it without any exception – only in different ways.
The general voraciousness of richness and power was not so distinct and common over a long time as it is today. Our inborn hunting instinct impels us from one event to the next. The vast majority of the people are like robots in a working corset, while business and industry make every effort to support this. Wage dumping and dismantling of the social welfare state are signs of a reinvigorated capitalism, ambayo huwanyonya wanadamu na kuwafanya kuwa mashine.
Ikiwa utaangalia sehemu za asasi za kiraia, unaweza kupata maoni kwamba wanafanya kama mbuzi maarufu anayekimbia baada ya karoti kwenye fimbo mbele ya pua yake.. Wengine waliletwa kisigino ikiwa watapata vitu vya kupendeza, wengine wanapaswa kupigania maisha yao kila siku - lakini wote wanafanya kama wanatumia dawa za kulevya.
Labda utauliza sasa, kwa nini ninakuambia haya hapa katika maandishi ya Kisalvatoriani kwa mada ya Roho Mtakatifu katika maisha yetu? - Kwa sababu hili ndilo swali kuu la leo – tumeiacha wapi roho katika ulimwengu wetu wa kila siku?
Wacha tujue zaidi kupitia hadithi yenye usuli wa kina. Hadithi ni kuhusu kundi la wasafiri njiani katika Himalaya. Kwa hatua za ujasiri a group of Sherpa chartered as the burden bearers followed a few mountain hikers from the West. Suddenly and unexpectedly the group of Sherpa stopped, took off the luggage and sat down.The mountain hikers saw what had happened and hurried back but didn’t understand anything at this moment and asked: “Did someone have an accident? Is something else going wrong or is the burden to high? Are there possible other unknown troubles? What is the reason for this sudden stop?”
One of the Sherpa looked at the men from the West and responded: “We have to wait a little bit, so our souls can follow and meet us again.”
Exactly that is what happens currently in our western civil society and in the societies connected on other continents. And this is not only a fact of our time.
Let’s go back in history and meet the young John Baptist Jordan. His social background was not at all like that, what we widely call wealthy. As far as we know, he was not only once fishing in the nearby river, instead of being at school, to bring something eatable home to his mother. During his apprenticeship, his time on the road as journeyman and later at the railway construction and the military, he always got in close contact with the real daily needs which were affecting a large part of the society. In addition to the material needs were the spiritual ones. Because who had to work at least 16 hours daily for a minimum of necessaries, who really didn’t have any kind of interest in philosophical/theological questions. Hudhurio la kanisa siku ya Jumapili halikutosha, kuondokana na upungufu huu. Hata maswali ya maisha ya sasa yalikuwa ni mengine, kuliko zile zinazofuatwa na kanisa rasmi.
Kubwa sana ilikuwa shinikizo linalotoka kwa serikali, jamii na kanisa na maoni ya jumla yalikuwa kuenea kwamba kinachojulikana “utaratibu wa kimungu” ilibidi itunzwe na haikuulizwa.
Katika hali hizi za maisha ya mivutano tofauti Yohana Mbatizaji Yordani hakutambua tu wito wa Mungu wa kuwa kuhani, lakini pia kwamba watu wanahitaji upendo na kutiwa moyo zinazotoa majibu kwa maswali na mahitaji yao halisi. Na kama maswali haya yalivyokuwa tofauti, kama mbalimbali, kwa kweli lazima iwe kazi ambayo inaweza kutoa majibu.
Maono haya maalum ya kiroho ambayo yaliiva katika Fr. Jordan ilipata tu makubaliano ya kutosha na watu wa wakati mmoja waliochaguliwa. Pia kanisa kama taasisi yenyewe ilikuwa na maoni hasi ya mawazo hayo mapya na ya kimapinduzi. Fr. Jordan ilibidi apate uzoefu huu kwa uwazi na kwa uchungu na vikwazo vikali na mabadiliko ya kulazimishwa.
Hata hivyo, tukiangalia nyuma, Hl. Roho, ambaye anaonekana katika juhudi zote za Fr. Jordan, haiwezi kuwa nguvu nyuma na kanuni na mipaka ya binadamu. Fr. Jordan alifuata lengo lake kadri alivyoweza, akijua juhudi zake, ulikuwa tu mwanzo wa mchakato wa kina. Hii inaonekana katika moja ya maneno yake ya mwisho:
"Wengine watakuja, watakumbuka mateso yetu na kuendeleza kazi yetu”.
Leo tunakabiliwa na changamoto ya kutangaza injili katika ulimwengu ambao hutoa changamoto zinazofanana kuliko ya Fr. Enzi za Jordan lakini lugha imegeuka kuwa nyingine. Watu bado wanatafuta majibu juu ya maswali ya moto ya maisha na wakati wao. Maneno mazuri au maneno mazuri pekee hayatasaidia – zinasikika kuwa za kizamani na zisizo za kweli na hazigusi nyoyo.
Kanisa - yaani sisi - linapaswa kukabiliana na ukweli wa maisha ya kila siku na kupata majibu. Kwa hiyo hali ya kiroho ya Kisalvatoriani pamoja na ulimwengu wake wa ndani imeundwa kwa ajili yake. Ni zamu yetu kuitumia kwa njia ifaayo na kuigundua kama hazina yetu kuu.
Tunachohitaji ni maverick, wenye fikra wazi na wafikiri wa pamoja, iliwatia moyo watu wanaohoji baadhi ya makusanyiko na kupima kama bado yana umuhimu, watu wanaomfuata papa na kugundua kanisa kama kitu kipya.
Zaidi ya hayo maswali ya kuvutia katika muktadha huu ni: What is the value of faith? – What does it provide, what do I gain? Are there benefits for me?
Maybe this sounds like a provocation in your ears, but in a world which is governed a big part by acquisitive frenzy, envy and resentment, this has to be considered. Let me give an example:
In the eighties of the last century a countermovement raised against the general mainstream in Europe. There were some people who recognized that an ongoing process of unlimited growth could not be the measure of all things. Sooner as later we would reach the edge of the abyss. There were protests and among others the construction of hydroelectric power plants, which would destroy a large area of an alluvial forest, was prevented. During the negotiations the question came up – what is the value of a piece of nature? Ni faida gani kwa mtu ikiwa chura anaishi katika msitu wa alluvial au mti mdogo wa poplar unakua huko?
Baadaye baadhi ya wanasayansi werevu walikuwa wakifanya kazi pamoja na wanauchumi wanaopenda kukokotoa thamani ya viumbe hawa. Na ghafla chura, samaki, mti na kadhalika ziliendana kwa thamani ya fedha iliyoainishwa. Iliwekwa wazi kwa uchumi sasa kuhusu maadili ambayo yalisemwa na kwamba usimamizi endelevu hautoi matunda tu, bali ndio utaratibu wa siku.
Mfano huu unaonyesha kuwa sehemu kubwa ya asasi zetu za kiraia wanafikiria kwa idadi na pesa tu. Mambo yanaonekana kutokuwa na thamani ikiwa hakuna thamani halisi ya nambari iliyotengwa. Lakini kuna mambo ambayo hayawezi kuonyeshwa kwa idadi lakini yanajumuisha thamani kubwa - kwa kila mwanadamu - kama mazingira safi, drinkable water, healthy food, good education, perspectives for the future, na kadhalika. – for example. Therefore adequate livelihoods and developmental opportunities are important, because they increase the value of a whole society and everyone will have a benefit from that. And not at least humans need perspectives in their life for being alive.
In Mathew 4,4 is written: “One does not live by bread alone, …” – with this line we come back to the old question how humans do define themselves. Today – after the Industrial revolution we have to add: “… and the work isn’t the only sense of a human’s life.“
Not for nothing a group of occupational physicians and psychologists share the opinion that meaningless work- na ulimwengu wa watumiaji ndio sababu ya kuongezeka kwa "kuchoma-nje-syndrome" kwa watu wengi.
Kulingana na hayo inaonekana kwamba mara nyingi tumeiacha nafsi yetu nyuma sana. – Juu kwa wakati kutafuta njia mpya za siku zijazo.
Katika sehemu ya pili: Kujaribu kupata jibu – Wacha uwashwe …
Andiko hili linatokana na mhadhara wa “Familia ya Kisalvatoriani – mtazamo usio wa kawaida kutoka kwa mtazamo wa tawi la tatu” na Christian Patzl kwenye hafla ya mkutano wa “Wasalvatoriani.: Katika Roho pamoja na Roho” wa Familia ya Kisalvatoriani ya Marekani kutoka 22.06.2016
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