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„Laudate Deum“ – this concerns all of us!


Pope Francis has published an Apostolic Exhortation building on his 2015 encyclical: „Laudate Deum“. We’re not reacting enough, he says, we’re close to breaking point. He criticizes climate change deniers, saying that the human origin of global warming is now beyond doubt. And he describes how care for our common home flows from the Christian faith.


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A cry, a call also addressed to the Salvatorian laity. Our challenges of the time also urge us to question and, if necessary, reorient our activities and apostolates with regard to environmental impact and the climate crisis. The world needs us and we are called to respond to the challenges (signs) of our time. It is not only the big changes or improvements that count, which we as individuals or small groups can hardly achieve. But the many small things in our everyday lives can make a big difference if we question them and change them accordingly.


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Laudate Deum text in several languages



El Papa Francisco ha publicado una exhortación apostólica basada en su encíclica de 2015 „Laudate Deum“. No estamos reaccionando lo suficiente, dice, estamos cerca del punto de ruptura. Critica a los negacionistas del cambio climático, diciendo que el origen humano del calentamiento global está ahora fuera de toda duda. Y describe cómo el cuidado de nuestra casa común emana de la fe cristiana.

Un grito, una llamada dirigida también a los laicos Salvatorianos. Los desafíos de nuestro tiempo también nos urgen a cuestionar y, si es necesario, a reorientar nuestras actividades y apostolados en relación con el impacto medioambiental y la crisis climática. El mundo nos necesita y estamos llamados a responder a los desafíos (signos) de nuestro tiempo. No sólo cuentan los grandes cambios o mejoras, que nosotros, como individuos o pequeños grupos, difícilmente podemos conseguir. Pero las muchas pequeñas cosas de nuestra vida cotidiana pueden marcar una gran diferencia si nos las cuestionamos y las cambiamos en consecuencia.


Más información → Vatican News


Texto de Laudate Deum

Translated with DeepL


ICDS Receives recognition from the Dicastery

Dear Salvatorian sisters and brothers,

We have reached a point after a long journey, or better said a very interesting journey, full of many ups and downs, with times not knowing how this journey will turn out, times of rejection and being sent back to the start again, and times of frustration and doubts. But there were also times filled with great moments of joy, new encouragement, and fresh enthusiasm – and the finest moment has reached us now at last. Our many prayers and thoughts, full of confidence and trust placed in God’s loving hands, have borne fruit and led us to the goal.

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, has approved the draft of our statutes and grants recognition to the Community of the Divine Savior as an International Private Association of the Faithful, dotted with juridical personality in Canon Law.

We bring you this joyful news full of humility and gratitude. Our very special thanks go first to Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan and Blessed Mary of the Apostles, our spiritual leaders, and visionaries who have interceded for us. And then, of course, to all sisters and brothers, of the General Committee, of the leadership teams in the units, and all the other members of the Salvatorian Family, friends, and families who have supported us with their thoughts, ideas, visions, prayers, and encouragement. Without all your efforts, this moment would not have been possible. A big thank you and a bow to you all!

We are aware that this event will start a process of acceptance within your unit. We are also aware that some of you would have expected some different content in the document. Be assured that our greatest effort, carried with much patience, has guided us to this result. It was a huge learning curve for all involved and required common structures to become an internationally recognized association.

Let’s enjoy and be proud of the „common house“ ICDS we now have. Now it’s up to us how cozy and friendly we make the “inside and our rooms”. Let us fill this house, the International Community of the Divine Savior, with life and joy. May the Holy Spirit be always present in it.

Yours very truly,

The General Committee of the ICDS