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Tag Archives: Salvatorian Family

Celebremos juntos – Let’s celebrate together

The national coordination team of Lay Salvatorians Colombia wants to share with you this invitation with the purpose of celebrating as a global Salvatorian family (priests, religious, and laity) the recent recognition of the Church to the lay branch.
Let’s celebrate in common a day of joy and thankfulness, forgetting our cultural, mentality, and language barriers. Let’s simply have joy in our Lay Salvatorian branch as part of the Salvatorian Family.
We encourage you to meet together on this day and have a common toast for this event that fills with joy the Family of the Divine Savior.


El equipo de coordinación nacional de Laicos Salvatorianos Colombia quiere compartir con ustedes esta invitación con el fin de celebrar como familia Salvatoriana global (sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos) el reciente reconocimiento de la Iglesia a la rama laical.
Celebremos en común un día de alegría y agradecimiento, olvidando nuestras barreras culturales, de mentalidad y de idioma. Simplemente tengamos alegría en nuestra rama Laica Salvatoriana como parte de la Familia Salvatoriana.
Les animamos a reunirse en este día y brindar en común por este acontecimiento que llena de alegría a la Familia del Divino Salvador.



Para conectarte dale clic en la imagen o aquí:

¡No olvides tu copa para festejar! Un abrazo en Jesucristo, Salvador.


To connect click on the image or here:

Don’t forget your glass to celebrate! A hug in Jesus Christ, Savior.

Expanding Salvatorian Family commission meeting

The members of the Commission “Expanding of the Salvatorian Family” met this week in Rome at the Mother House of the Salvatorian Society. On the agenda was the preparation of a proposal for the upcoming General Chapters and the General Assembly. The topic is to find out a possible structure and/or criteria to implement also other types of groups that want to commit themselves to the Salvatorian vision of Blessed Francis Jordan. At this meeting also the leaders of the current three Salvatorian branches shared time with the commission to see how the work develops and give one or another input or remark.
Of course, furthermore, this meeting gave the opportunity for informal meetings to the representatives of the Generalates and some persons from several units.

Salvatorian Family: JPIC International Online-Meetings

An invitation to all Salvatorian Family members

At the end of July, an important step in the cooperation of the Salvatorian Family will take place and needs your support and possible attendance. A three days online conference is planned covering different topics and we invite you to sign in for it. The conferences respect as good as possible the different time zones of each unit. It would be a good sign to be present at least in one of it to show our all Salvatorian unity and close mutual relationship of the three Salvatorian branches. Furthermore, the topics of the conference are of importance for our worldwide Salvatorian mission of today. Each Salvatorian unit is part of the whole and gets in touch with these topics. The international Salvatorian Commission for Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) made a prophetic commitment at their last assembly: “To realize and awaken the awareness of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to respond to the calls of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour, in defence of human dignity, which recreates fraternity, promoting more respect for all divine creation”.

We can see the effects of the imbalance of these concerns all over the world. Whether it is access to clean water or air to breathe, the equitable distribution and payment of raw materials, supply chains, intermediary trade, labour exploitation and migration, or the many armed conflicts with global implications. We all also need to become more and more aware of man-made climate change with its catastrophic effects – and every one of us can do our part to prevent this world from plunging into the abyss. The world would have enough resources for all of us, but it does not have enough to satisfy our greed!

We are called to make our contribution to the preservation of creation. God gave us this world to live in and to keep it, but not to exploit and sell it.

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Sign up to the email contacts on the posters to get the access data, please. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

Stay well. God bless you.


Lay Salvatorians international – 30th anniversary


30 years ago, on May 14 – 19, 1990, a mixed international group of Salvatorian fathers, sisters and laity met in Rome for the first time to discuss the real possibility of establishing the Salvatorian Family. There were already some units with local forms of a “Salvatorian Family” group, but these were not everywhere and did not exist at the international level. Continue Reading

First assembly of the Salvatorian Family of Colombia

La Familia Salvatoriana de Colombia realizó su primera asamblea y dio un fuerte signo de vida. La Familia Salvatoriana de Colombia realizó su primera asamblea y dio un fuerte signo de vida. Se elaboró ​​una declaración que nos llamaba saber incluso algunas cosas más interesantes para el futuro.

Declaración de la Familia Salvatoriana Colombiana 2018

Salvatorian St. Valentine’s message 2018

How quick the time goes by … St. Valentine’s is on the calendar again. You know already that we started in the last years some communication impulse within the ICDS = Lay Salvatorians worldwide community. – Yes? – No?

However – the most of you know that people of many countries celebrate the feast of St. Valentine on February 14th. It’s often not a day of vacation but many persons give presents of love to others who are in their hearts. The legend behind you can read on Wikipedia in several languages.

Maybe someone will say now, St. Valentine’s is not a Salvatorian feast – that’s right, in the first view. But if you read in the lines of Fr. Jordans diary and also in his chapter speeches you will find something like that:

“Treat your neighbors with the same love as if he were Christ himself.”

And not at least with that

“Others will be attracted to join in our community,
if they see how love reigns here.”

the universal call to LOVE to your next and especially to the sisters and brothers within the own Salvatorian community is to recognize. Therfore feel invited to set a sign of mutual love on this day to your Lay Salvatorian sisters and brothers. The General Committee of the ICDS took this date to improve our worldwide communication. We invite all Lay Salvatorians and certainly all members of the Salvatorian family to participate in this action of brotherly/sisterly friendship and love.

What to do? – Send a short message to someone you know in the Salvatorian family. Or much better be to someone you have only an address, but do not be in constant contact – e.g. someone from another continent. Give a little “hello from …” and include in the message a line or verse of a psalm or a text you like – or maybe  a short prayer. If you want, you can include the picture of St. Valentine from this posting.

That all may discover and experience God’s love and the one whom you sent …

Who are the Lay Salvatorians ICDS?

Who are the Lay Salvatorians ICDS?

International Community of the Divine Savior ICDS

Lay Salvatorians are the people who -living their present form of life- would like to participate in apostolates together  with Salvatorian Fathers, Brothers and Sisters.

The Salvatorian Family has three branches: Salvatorian Fathers and Brothers, Salvatorian Sisters and Lay Salvatorians.

They are united by a public commitment to the mission as envisioned by our Founder, Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, forming one family of zealous apostles, announcing to all the salvation that has appeared in Jesus Christ (John 17:3). The Lay Salvatorians share their vocation in equality and complementary with the other members of the Salvatorian Family.

Lay Salvatorians are men and women, married or single, who have God at the center of their lives; people who have the ability to lead, transforming their environment by the way they live, defenders of life, human rights and all of God’s creation; people who, with their lives, give testimony of God’s kingdom and find strength by sharing in spiritual community with other Salvatorians.

CHECK US ON Facebook: International Lay Salvatorians.  Lay Salvatorians around the world. Link to other Lay Salvatorian pages.