Fr. Agustín Van Baelen SDS (Generalate), Christian Patzl CDS (General Committee ICDS), Sr. Mary Arokianathan SorDS (Sri Lanka), Manuel Antonio Vargas Córdoba CDS (Colombia, Guest), Sr. Grace Mary Croft SorDS (USA), Fr. Piotr Szyrszeń SDS (Poland), Fr. Dennis Thiessen SDS (USA), Alba Rodriguez CDS (Colombia), Sr. Teresa Schlackl SorDS (Generalate) – (from left to right)

The meeting of the International Joint Charism Commission took place at the Generalate of the Society of the Divine Savior in Rome from July 10 – 15, 2017.

The question of to deepen the identity as Salvatorian Family is always an important topic. Also to pray, reflect and consider various matters and to experience salvatorian collaboration is always enriching and was task of the meeting.

This last meeting of the commission mostly concentrates on finalizing the work already started at previous meetings: especially articles written by various members of the Salvatorian Family around the world will be published soon as an new issue of „Salvatorian Key Elements“. In this way, the contextualized and cultural points of view can be taken into account. The translations are very important and can help more members to have access and benefit.

Read the letter of the commission below, please – available in several languages:

letter reflections ENG  letter reflections_ GE letter reflections_ES
letter reflections PT letter reflections_FRc  letter reflections_PL
  letter reflections_IT