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Tag Archives: Rome

GC and IJLG meetings in Rome

Four members of the General Committee of the ICDS met together at the motherhouse of the Society of the Divine Savior in Rome this week. There were two important meetings on the agenda: the last face-to-face meeting of the General Committee before the ICDS General Assembly in 2024 and the International Joint Leadership Group meeting with the Generalates of the two Salvatorian religious branches. Most of the topics were connected with the upcoming General Chapters and the General Assembly, such as the proposals recommended by joint commissions of the International Joint Leadership Group. Despite different points of view, both meetings were very productive.

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Expanding Salvatorian Family commission meeting

The members of the Commission “Expanding of the Salvatorian Family” met this week in Rome at the Mother House of the Salvatorian Society. On the agenda was the preparation of a proposal for the upcoming General Chapters and the General Assembly. The topic is to find out a possible structure and/or criteria to implement also other types of groups that want to commit themselves to the Salvatorian vision of Blessed Francis Jordan. At this meeting also the leaders of the current three Salvatorian branches shared time with the commission to see how the work develops and give one or another input or remark.
Of course, furthermore, this meeting gave the opportunity for informal meetings to the representatives of the Generalates and some persons from several units.

Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Next weekend the beatification ceremonies of Fr. Francis will take place in Rome. So that even all Lay Salvatorians have the opportunity to be present at these important moments of the Salvatorian Family, a lifestream transmission via the Internet will be established. Find the necessary information below in your language.


Celebraciones de la beatificación transmisión de la corriente vital

El próximo fin de semana tendrá lugar en Roma la ceremonia de beatificación del P. Francisco. Para que también todos los laicos salvatorianos tengan la oportunidad de estar presentes en estos importantes momentos de la Familia Salvatoriana, se establecerá una transmisión en vivo vía Internet. A continuación encontrará la información necesaria en su idioma.





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Lay Salvatorians international – 30th anniversary


30 years ago, on May 14 – 19, 1990, a mixed international group of Salvatorian fathers, sisters and laity met in Rome for the first time to discuss the real possibility of establishing the Salvatorian Family. There were already some units with local forms of a “Salvatorian Family” group, but these were not everywhere and did not exist at the international level. Continue Reading

A meeting at the Pontifical Council of the Laity in Rome

P1000296_(1024_x_768)P1000305_(1024_x_768)Members of the General Committee of the International Committee of the Divine Savior (ICDS –Lay Salvatorians) in common with one member of the financial commission and accompanied by Fr. Thomas Malal SDS from the Generalate of the Salvatorians met on Dec. 11th, 2015 with Dr. Philip G. Milligan a legal member of the relevant department of the Pontifical Council of the Laity in Rome.

They had a very fruitful dialogue about the progress of the recognition of the ICDS at the Vatican. The conversation was about the several apostolates and actions of Lay Salvatorians in the different countries-units.

One of the topics they talked about was their lived reality and  common cooperation. The Council is discerning if it is present at an international level.

Dr Milligan stated that it is expected a response  from the office of the Pontifical Council possibly at the end of January or the beginning of February 2016.


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