P1000296_(1024_x_768)P1000305_(1024_x_768)Members of the General Committee of the International Committee of the Divine Savior (ICDS –Lay Salvatorians) in common with one member of the financial commission and accompanied by Fr. Thomas Malal SDS from the Generalate of the Salvatorians met on Dec. 11th, 2015 with Dr. Philip G. Milligan a legal member of the relevant department of the Pontifical Council of the Laity in Rome.

They had a very fruitful dialogue about the progress of the recognition of the ICDS at the Vatican. The conversation was about the several apostolates and actions of Lay Salvatorians in the different countries-units.

One of the topics they talked about was their lived reality and  common cooperation. The Council is discerning if it is present at an international level.

Dr Milligan stated that it is expected a response  from the office of the Pontifical Council possibly at the end of January or the beginning of February 2016.


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