Mission: see – grasp – act

Groups and people of eleven nations (units) including one member from the US met in Logroño/Spain for the 5th (6th) European Lay Salvatorian encounter from June 8 – 11. The topic was “Mission: See – grasp – act” and we got three excellent keynote speakers for this event. Fr. István Barazsuly SDS from Rumania, Fr. Michel Coppin SDS from Belgium, and Ms. Mª Ángeles Molina CDS from Spain, who works as missionary in Guatemala at the moment.

Fr. István talked about the challenges and necessities in his country Romania. It is in some parts an example of the religious situation in Europe. The people, and even many of the young people, are searching and open for spiritual things in their life. Certainly the “wrapping” of the religion does not match the challenges and needs of the life of today. So we have to find new interpretations of the old truths and new doorways into people’s heart and we have to recognise that Europe is an area for mission today. A big challenge is the poverty which is a basis that people get into dependencies and get forced into several forms of modern slavery by criminals in whole Europe. Cooperation with other units is important to intensify and improve the awareness of this situation. Continue Reading