Renewal of commitment of Lay Salvatorians
In the SDS-Newsletter of Philippine Region Issue 30 the following entry was to read:
Last June 18, 2016 was the renewal of Commitment of our Lay SDS namely Anna Liza Esguerra and Josephine Flores. This is another new beginning a commitment to live the words through their SDS Identity and Spirituality by their Mission. It was done within the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Vara Prasad Rao, SDS. It was attended by the Sisters of the Divine Savior Community and the candidates for Lay SDS. The men and women who want to live their lives according to Gospel values and who share the apostolic mission and spirituality of the Salvatorians. They come together once a month for their formation. Fr. Jordan said, “Do not rest content until all know, love and serve Jesus as their Savior”.

The Lay Salvatorians Renewalists: Anna and Josie with Fr. Prasad, SDS; Sr. Alona, SDS & other Lay Salvatorians
A big THANK YOU to the Salvatorian brothers and sisters!