Dear sisters and brothers, dear members of the Salvatorian Family,

Although we on the General Committee had been aware of Rita’s failing health for some time, the news of her passing hit us hard. The moment when our thread of life is woven to its end is unknown. And so it says in the Book of Isaiah 38:12 :

My dwelling, like a shepherd’s tent, is struck down and borne away from me; You have folded up my life, like a weaver who severs the last thread.

Some Salvatorian lay people have written words of remembrance which can be read here on behalf of many others:

Our dear Rita beat us to the date of heaven…Her departure leaves a void in the ICDS and in the Salvatorian Family, not only in his native Belgium, but also internationally, due to her active role both in the General Committee of the ICDS, and for her participation in some of the joint commissions of the 3 branches such as “the Justice, Peace and Defense of Life Commission” and the “Salvatorian Identity and Mission Commission”.

With a jovial, cheerful and open spirit, reflecting both her vocation as a school teacher and her vocation to follow Christ as a Lay Salvatorian, Rita worked tirelessly for the development of Lay Salvatorians in the world and for the fraternal union of the Salvatorian Family, putting their gifts at your service. Continue Reading