Despite the awareness that we have many seemingly more important problems, we must not ignore this year’s Earth Day. The importance of this day is also repeatedly underlined by Pope Francis, because whoever does not respect and persecute creation, also does not persecute and respect God. Even if the reading of the encyclical „Laudato si‘ “ may be difficult for some, it is still important to deal with it, because we only have this one world and must also keep it habitable for future generations.

Reflecting on Earth Day, Cardinal Michael Czerny explains why the Church and Pope Francis care so greatly about the Earth, and laments „menacing failures“ which make action to protect the environment „urgent.“ See here the full article.

As Salvatorians, we have committed ourselves in the Salvatorian Charter to protect life as such and to work to make life abundant for all creatures. May this day always be a small reminder to us.