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Easter message – Mensaje de Pascua 2022

The Lord has risen – The Lord is risen indeed …

The women brought the Good News to the disciples and followers of Jesus after they found the empty tomb. Click on the picture below to become guided to our special easter page.

Las mujeres llevaron la Buena Nueva a los discípulos y seguidores de Jesús después de encontrar la tumba vacía. Haga clic en la foto de abajo para ser guiado a nuestra página especial de Pascua.


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O Lord,
Risen, alive, and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds, and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.









We want to invite you to read our thoughts after the Gospel of John 20,1-9 (20,1-18). We think they are very actual according to the unfortunately dark situation of our world today.
Queremos invitarte a leer nuestras reflexiones tras el Evangelio de Juan 20,1-9 (20,1-18). Creemos que son muy actuales de acuerdo con la situación desgraciadamente oscura de nuestro mundo actual.

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Aid support for Ukraine refugees by Salvatorians in Poland

We all know the heartbreaking images from the war in Ukraine. Most of the refugees or displaced persons went or are still going to Poland. The Lay Salvatorians and the Salvatorian sisters have established some aid support for these people and we have asked Sylwia Tempel a Lay Salvatorian from Poland to share some pieces of information about these aid initiatives with us:


On March 24th the Salvatorian Sisters at the provincial house received 8 refugees from Kharkov – parents with 5 children and one older woman. The building has been renovated and refurnished before the crisis, so the Sisters have dedicated it to the residential needs of refugees. Sister Adriana Kieloch SDS has been serving as a translator at the local administration level. Sister Adriana spent 14 years in Ukraine and understands not only the language but also the people. She serves at the municipal social service agency in helping refugees legally register their presence so that they can obtain proper identification as well as rights to employment, insurance benefits, and child support. Sister Adriana explained to me that it takes 30 minutes to register a single refugee. Photographs of the provincial house welcome can be found at the following link: Continue Reading

A new video on YouTube from the GC

Anne Cullender, our General secretary is now talking about the Salvatorian Universality & Mission and how we can interpret or see it today and use it as a creative tool for evangelization. The video is also available with French and German subtitles.


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Against each kind of war …

Maybe it’s not the right frame here for that but in light of the escalating current violence in Eastern Europe but also aware of the many small and bigger armed conflicts around our world with devastating effects on people and the environment, I would like to share this music video. It is intended to be thought-provoking and to invite a subsequent short prayer of one’s own choice for peace. War has always been the worst solution to any problem, and it usually leads to others. Actually, we should have learned that by now in our thousands of years of human history …
Let’s put down our weapons and let’s find better solutions in common for the future.

ICDS now on YouTube, too.

The General Committee has established its own ICDS YouTube channel to present videos about Salvatorian topics. At the moment there are some available already, some more will be to find there soon. The videos will be published in different languages and we try to add subtitles in other languages to the videos, too. In case you will not find your language, get into contact with us and we will send you a copy of the original text so you can translate it.

We would like to get some feedback and motivation from you because we are all learners and try to improve ourselves permanently.


February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness

against Human Trafficking & modern slavery

Meanwhile, the portrait of St. Josephine Bakhita seems to be known in many areas of the world. Her life is an example and may open our eyes to the crime and the victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. Therefore the catholic church celebrates annually February 8th as a day of reminder and awareness. Many Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services and devotions to create greater awareness about this disgrace of mankind – which is still present and happens frequently hidden in our neighborhood, sometimes closer than we would expect. Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity but also comfort, strengthen, bring respect again and help empower victims of today. Because they need our attention, our awareness, and stand-up against this kind of crime.

This time we may offer a common prayer vigil in several languages as far you have an interest. You will find the prayer material here to download →

For more information, you can also have a look back on our post from last year or get into contact with the International Salvatorian Committee for justice, peace, and integrity of creation.


We count on your solidarity and support!

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COP26 – Glasgow: Some more information

Here are some links for interested to get more information about the activities of Catholic groups and other faith communities around the GOP26 in Glasgow. It’s a pity that we from the Lay Salvatorians didn’t prepare something for this important event. I think there will be some Salvatorian people who would like to support such issues, especially from the Justice &Peace sector – but maybe at the next GOP.


Faith community arrives in Glasgow to pray, press world leaders for strong action at COP26

Catholic groups outline priorities ahead of Glasgow COP26 climate change summit


Feel invited to share your thoughts about the topic GOP26 and climate change in the mirror of our catholic faith below in the comment section.

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COP26 climate conference matters for Catholics!

Peter Knox, S.J., of South Africa joins Sebastian Gomes, an executive editor at America Media, on “Behind the Story” for an honest conversation on climate change, the upcoming COP26 meeting and what Catholics can do to respond to Pope Francis’ calls for ecological conversion.


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