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Who are the Lay Salvatorians ICDS?

Who are the Lay Salvatorians ICDS?

International Community of the Divine Savior ICDS

Lay Salvatorians are the people who -living their present form of life- would like to participate in apostolates together  with Salvatorian Fathers, Brothers and Sisters.

The Salvatorian Family has three branches: Salvatorian Fathers and Brothers, Salvatorian Sisters and Lay Salvatorians.

They are united by a public commitment to the mission as envisioned by our Founder, Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, forming one family of zealous apostles, announcing to all the salvation that has appeared in Jesus Christ (John 17:3). The Lay Salvatorians share their vocation in equality and complementary with the other members of the Salvatorian Family.

Lay Salvatorians are men and women, married or single, who have God at the center of their lives; people who have the ability to lead, transforming their environment by the way they live, defenders of life, human rights and all of God’s creation; people who, with their lives, give testimony of God’s kingdom and find strength by sharing in spiritual community with other Salvatorians.

CHECK US ON Facebook: International Lay Salvatorians.  Lay Salvatorians around the world. Link to other Lay Salvatorian pages.

El Papa Francisco anima a la iglesia a no ver a los laicos como miembros de segunda clase.


El Papa ha invitado a la Iglesia a no ver a los laicos como miembros de “segunda clase” que solo ejecutan órdenes y ha recordado que pertenecen y participan junto a los miembros del orden sagrado y a los religiosos de la función sacerdotal, profética y real de Cristo mismo.

“El Concilio Vaticano II no mira a los laicos como si fueran miembros de segunda clase, al servicio de la jerarquía o como simples ejecutores de órdenes que vienen de lo alto, sino como discípulos de Cristo“, ha señalado Francisco en el mensaje enviado a los participantes de la Jornada de estudio organizada por el Pontificio Consejo de Laicos, en colaboración con la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz de Roma, sobre el tema de la vocación y misión de los laicos.

Además, ha especificado que a través de la fuerza del bautismo, los laicos “están llamados a animar todo ambiente, actividad y relación humana según el espíritu evangélico, llevando la luz, la esperanza, la caridad recibida por Cristo en los lugares que, de otra manera, permanecerían ajenos a la acción de Dios y abandonados a la miseria de la condición humana”. Para el Papa, el Concilio Vaticano II ha hecho crecer en la Iglesia la formación de los laicos.

El Pontífice creó el pasado 2 de octubre una nueva Congregación de los Laicos que engloba a los pontificios consejos para los Laicos y para la Familia, actualmente guiados respectivamente por el cardenal Stranislaw Rylko y por el obispo Vincenzo Paglia. “Decidí instituir un nuevo dicasterio con competencia sobre los laicos, la familia y la vida, que sustituirá al Pontificio Consejo para los Laicos y al Pontificio Consejo para la Familia, y al que estará vinculada la Pontificia Academia para la Vida”, comentó Francisco durante una de las sesiones de trabajo del Sínodo de obispos de la Familia.


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Have you seen “STAR WARS” this season? Its time to see also “STAR NEWS” THIS CHRISTMAS EVE

Weihnacht_border_1See a modern version of the Cesar Census with reporters (Luke) live from Bethlehem and Persia in this “Star News”… Watch it until the end. Made in New Zealand, is a Christmas video where children become momentarily a few unpredictable actors who teach the meaning of Christmas. Continue Reading

A meeting at the Pontifical Council of the Laity in Rome

P1000296_(1024_x_768)P1000305_(1024_x_768)Members of the General Committee of the International Committee of the Divine Savior (ICDS –Lay Salvatorians) in common with one member of the financial commission and accompanied by Fr. Thomas Malal SDS from the Generalate of the Salvatorians met on Dec. 11th, 2015 with Dr. Philip G. Milligan a legal member of the relevant department of the Pontifical Council of the Laity in Rome.

They had a very fruitful dialogue about the progress of the recognition of the ICDS at the Vatican. The conversation was about the several apostolates and actions of Lay Salvatorians in the different countries-units.

One of the topics they talked about was their lived reality and  common cooperation. The Council is discerning if it is present at an international level.

Dr Milligan stated that it is expected a response  from the office of the Pontifical Council possibly at the end of January or the beginning of February 2016.


You can find some more photographs on our gallery.

Closing of the Salvatorian Missionary Year

MY_progress150-1On the evening of December 7th, 2015 the Salvatorian Missionary Year was closed by several events around the world. It was a  humbling experience to be present at the event in the motherhouse of the Society of the Divine Savior in Rome.

An informative exhibition about the life of the founder Fr. Francis Jordan was opened in the corridor of the first floor in the motherhouse. You can view some photographs in our gallery.