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„I searcherd and searched …“

According to these words above of Mother Mary of the Apostles, the European Lay Salvatorian meeting 2019 took place at Horrem (July,11 – 14 2019). Participants from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain and one Salvatorian sister from the US shared a few days of prayers, discussions, thoughts, reflections and a lot of good humor. Some of the highlights were

  • a Rosary made by tea candles, where each one was invited to bring in his/her thanks, requests or simple thoughts of personal importance.

  • a tale of reflection about how we could change the face of our world with easy means.

  • a little view on mission projects in India and Sri Lanka.

  • a visit of the cathedral of Cologne and some other interesting romanic churches which mirrors the long history of Christianity in this area.

  • a very contemplative inspiring Vesper and Eucharist at the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem.

  • a visit of the roots of Mother Mary of the Apostles at Myllendonk and Neuwerk.

  • and of course the readings and gospels of each day …

Unfortunately, the time passed too quickly but the spiritual bags of the participants got filled very well and so this wonderful event will still accompany us in our minds over a long time into the future.

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ICDS Prayer Chain – issue May-June online

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Since today the actual issue of the

ICDS prayer chain

is online and you can find it with the link above. Enjoy, support and share it with other Lay Salvatorians around you, please.

If you have a concern for that you think it’s a need to be prayed,
don’t hesitate to tell us with a comment or a prayer request!

Click here, if you have a request!

Let’s pray in common for our concerns.


Easter message 2019

The Lord has risen – The Lord is risen indeed …

Enjoy reading the Easter message of the ICDS General committee here.


O Lord,
Risen, alive and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.





See here the Easter – thoughts from the link above as pdf-file in following languages::

Letter of inspiration and motivation – April 2019


Dear Lay Salvatorians,
Please read the latest issue of our letter of inspiration and motivation here. Our ICDS General Committee member Sabin Ormaza from Venezuela has written something about the new ways and opportunities for collaboration between lay Salvatorians around the world. However, this is not just a fiction, but already a reality and you are invited to participate.
Enjoy the letter and let us know what you think about it.

The members of the GC of the iCDS

Letter of inspriation and motivation April 2018

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Queridos Salvatorianos Laicos:

Por favor, lee aquí la última edición de nuestra “Carta de Inspiración e Motivación”. Sabin Ormaza, de Venezuela y miembro de Nuestro del Comité General de la ICDS, ha escrito algo sobre las nuevas formas y oportunidades de colaboración entre los Salvatorianos Laicos de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, esto no es solo una ficción, sino que ya es una realidad y estás invitado a participar.

Disfruta de la carta y dinos lo que piensas al respecto.

Los miembros del Comité General de la ICDS

Carta de Inspiración e Motivación







ICDS Prayer Chain: issue Feb. – March 2019

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Since today the actual issue of the

ICDS prayer chain

is online and you can find it with the link above. Enjoy, support and share it with other Lay Salvatorians around you, please.

If you have a concern for that you think it’s a need to be prayed,
don’t hesitate to tell us with a comment or a prayer request!

Click here, if you have a request!

Let’s pray in common for our concerns.


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For the birthday of Mother Mary

Good morning on such a nice sunny day 🙂

186 years ago Mother Maria was born. A long time and yet her life radiates charism to this day – and still influences us.
She was a strong woman, who steadfastly seeked her way. That was certainly not easy for her at that time. She broke some conventions in her search for the right place in life. The repeated joining and leaving of several religious congregations were very courageous steps – facing the gossips of the people in the area was certainly not an easy way for her. And in a similar way also for her family, who also had to endure this chatter. Nevertheless, she was supported by them in her search, and they gave her strength and security.
For me, she is a role model for the unwavering quest to find the right path through life and not to worry too much about the gossip of others. Reflection and confirmation I receive in the conversation with God and our Salvatorian community, in which her work is still noticeable. It is our Salvatorian community that supports me and gives me the strength to seek and find my way. I hope you can experience this as well. Each of our paths is unique and different – but together we go into the same direction. In openness and tolerance for our different ways, we assist each other to make the love of God sensible for others.

Happy Birthday, dear Mother Mary!

February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking + modern slavery

St. Josephine Bakhita

February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000 and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General has designated February 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking.

On February 8, Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services to create greater awareness about this phenomenon. Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, but also comfort, strengthen, and help empower survivors.

Many Salvatorians over the world (religious and lay) are working in this field in several units. If you don’t have information about the salvatorian work against Human trafficking and modern slavery get into contact with your unit leaders. They should know more or contact members of the International Salvatorian Committee for justice, peace and integrity of creation.

It’s necessary and important  that all people get the awareness about this serious crime, to free this modern slaves and end modern slavery – because it’s unfortunately often more close to you as you expect. By the way, how many slaves work for you? – No one, no idea? Be sure, there are working some. How many, you can find out here at – it’s really shocking and you would not belive.

Have a look at the following short video examples, which may bring the problem closer to you:

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The above three videos were courtesy by Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) and were produced by the MIRROR project, coordinated by Accem.

Therefore the General committee of the ICDS invites all Lay Salvatorians to celebrate this day as a common day of prayer and reflection. As suggestion we have prepared a

PRAYER SHEET in English and Spanish.

In addition, the GC wants to invite and motivate the unit leadership teams to get in mutual contact over our ICDS forum (section JPIC) or by email to discuss possibilities of support, cooperation, and sharing materials.

Maybe this can be a starting point or reminder for more cooperation between some units. Stand up and get into contact with others so our efforts against modern slavery may be blessed and we become more connected.