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Category: spiritual impulse

Easter message 2019

The Lord has risen – The Lord is risen indeed …

Enjoy reading the Easter message of the ICDS General committee here.


O Lord,
Risen, alive and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.





See here the Easter – thoughts from the link above as pdf-file in following languages::

Letter of inspiration and motivation – April 2019


Dear Lay Salvatorians,
Please read the latest issue of our letter of inspiration and motivation here. Our ICDS General Committee member Sabin Ormaza from Venezuela has written something about the new ways and opportunities for collaboration between lay Salvatorians around the world. However, this is not just a fiction, but already a reality and you are invited to participate.
Enjoy the letter and let us know what you think about it.

The members of the GC of the iCDS

Letter of inspriation and motivation April 2018

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Queridos Salvatorianos Laicos:

Por favor, lee aquí la última edición de nuestra “Carta de Inspiración e Motivación”. Sabin Ormaza, de Venezuela y miembro de Nuestro del Comité General de la ICDS, ha escrito algo sobre las nuevas formas y oportunidades de colaboración entre los Salvatorianos Laicos de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, esto no es solo una ficción, sino que ya es una realidad y estás invitado a participar.

Disfruta de la carta y dinos lo que piensas al respecto.

Los miembros del Comité General de la ICDS

Carta de Inspiración e Motivación







For the birthday of Mother Mary

Good morning on such a nice sunny day 🙂

186 years ago Mother Maria was born. A long time and yet her life radiates charism to this day – and still influences us.
She was a strong woman, who steadfastly seeked her way. That was certainly not easy for her at that time. She broke some conventions in her search for the right place in life. The repeated joining and leaving of several religious congregations were very courageous steps – facing the gossips of the people in the area was certainly not an easy way for her. And in a similar way also for her family, who also had to endure this chatter. Nevertheless, she was supported by them in her search, and they gave her strength and security.
For me, she is a role model for the unwavering quest to find the right path through life and not to worry too much about the gossip of others. Reflection and confirmation I receive in the conversation with God and our Salvatorian community, in which her work is still noticeable. It is our Salvatorian community that supports me and gives me the strength to seek and find my way. I hope you can experience this as well. Each of our paths is unique and different – but together we go into the same direction. In openness and tolerance for our different ways, we assist each other to make the love of God sensible for others.

Happy Birthday, dear Mother Mary!

Two days of retreat in Austria

The Austrian group gave themselves a weekend of retreat.” – It was meant that we worked hard to find time together (date). And according to that, we donated time to gives us the possibility to be together. This is often a challenge for us. So – sorry about my strange quick translation in the first version, please! – Take it as something that gives you a little smile in your face. Our world needs that! 🙂

Our main topics were the development process in the diocese after Acts 2.1 – spiritual and structure, meditations and thoughts about “how to meet God in our daily reality”, and “formation in action” based on the presentation from the General Assembly from Hamont. The two days were accompanied by active discussions and exchange of opinions and thoughts, times of quietness and prayers and celebrating the Eucharist.

Posted in spiritual impulse | Tagged | 1 Reply

Pentecost message 2018

[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]Ven Espíritu Santo Creador

Ven, Espíritu Santo creador,
a visitar nuestro corazón,
repleta con tu gracia viva y celestial,
nuestras almas que tú creaste por amor.

Tú que eres llamado consolador,
don del Dios altísimo y Señor,
vertiente viva, fuego, que es la caridad,
y también espiritual y divina unción.

Nuestros sentidos has de iluminar,
los corazones enamorar,
y nuestro cuerpo, presa de la tentación,
con tu fuerza continua has de afirmar.

[/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]1Das Pfingstereignis[/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third_end id=”” class=”” style=””]

Lejos al enemigo rechazad,
tu paz danos pronto, sin tardar,
y siendo tú nuestro buen guía y conductor,
evitemos así toda sombra de mal.

Concédenos al Padre conocer,
a Jesús, su Hijo comprender
y a ti, Espíritu de ambos por amor,
te creamos con ardiente y sólida fe.

Al Padre demos gloria, pues es Dios,
a su Hijo que resucitó,
y también al Espíritu Consolador
por todos los siglos de los siglos, honor.




[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]Come Holy Spirit, creator, come

Come Holy Spirit, creator, come
from your bright heavenly throne,
come take possession of our souls
and make them all your own

You who are called Paraclete
blest gift of God above,
the living spring, the living fire,
sweet unction and true love.

You who are seven
fold in your grace,
finger of God’s right hand;
his promise, teaching little ones
to speak and understand.[/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]Holy-Spirit-101[/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third_end id=”” class=”” style=””]O guide our minds
with your blest light,
with love our hearts inflame;
and with strength,
which never decays,
confirm our mortal frame.

Far from us drive our deadly foe;
true peace unto us bring;
and through all perils, lead us safe
beneath your sacred wing.

Through you may we the Father know;
through you the eternal Son,
and you the Spirit of them both,
thrice-blessed Three in One.

All glory to the Father be,
with his co-equal Son:
the same to you great Paraclete,
While endless ages run.




[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]Komm, Heilger Geist, der Leben schafft – Text von Rabanus Maurus

Komm, Heilger Geist, der Leben schafft,
erfülle uns mit deiner Kraft.
Dein Schöpferwort rief uns zum Sein:
Nun hauch uns Gottes Odem ein.
Komm, Tröster, der die Herzen lenkt,
du Beistand, den der Vater schenkt;
aus dir strömt Leben, Licht und Glut,
du gibst uns Schwachen Kraft und Mut.

Dich sendet Gottes Allmacht aus
im Feuer und in Sturmes Braus;
du öffnest uns den stummen Mund
und machst der Welt die Wahrheit kund.

Entflamme Sinne und Gemüt,
dass Liebe unser Herz durchglüht
und unser schwaches Fleisch und Blut
in deiner Kraft das Gute tut.[/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]Pfingsten-11[/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third_end id=”” class=”” style=””]Die Macht des Bösen banne weit,
schenk deinen Frieden allezeit.
Erhalte uns auf rechter Bahn,
dass Unheil uns nicht schaden kann.

Lass gläubig uns den Vater sehn,
sein Ebenbild, den Sohn verstehn
und dir vertraun, der uns durchdringt
und uns das Leben Gottes bringt.

Den Vater auf dem ewgen Thron
und seinen auferstandnen Sohn,
dich, Odem Gottes, Heilger Geist,
auf ewig Erd und Himmel preist.





Easter message 2018

Read the Easter message of the ICDS General committee here.


O Lord,
Risen, alive and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.




Read here the letter to the units from our Vice – President
– topic:
Easter – thoughts: “Risen indeed … ?!”
Spanish: needs to be translated

CDS-Austria: Day of contemplation 2017

On Saturday December, 2 the groups of the Austrian Lay Salvatorians had their annual day of contemplation at the Salvatorian Sister‘s Province house in Vienna. The topic of the day was guided by the Father Jordan memorial year and turned around the question: the beatification of Fr. Jordan – what are the important things in his life for me?

In a small preparation at home in advance, each participant was invited to find some short lines, sentences, and keywords about his/her individual access to Fr. Jordan and the process of beatification. At the beginning session, each one had 3 minutes to present his/her thoughts. Afterwards, we filtered out the words or terms which were mentioned repeatedly and wrote them on a flipchart. With that, we went into small groups for more intensive discussion and exchange of thoughts.

Some sections of “minutes of quietness and prayer” as well as common sharing the food each one brought had brought with him, made up a spiritual day for body and soul with reach deepness and manifold meetings.

Thanks to the Lord for this wonderful experience.

IJCC identity booklet

The Intern. Joint Charism Commission has prepared a reflection process to be used individually and in the communities, with a culminating reflection at a date  to be determined in each unit. Although reflections at length on the Charter of the Salvatorian Family were done, this process brings all Salvatorians back to the Charter because it is the most up-to-date statement of our common Identity. The appreciation of our Identity as a Salvatorian Family is a lifetime process that we have to revisit frequently and the Charter provides a good starting point.

The proposed reflection process moves through the Charter, chapter by chapter. Then, as a way to commemorate the centennial of Fr. Francis Jordan´s death, it culminates in a creative reflection on his Last Will and Testament. You will find the identity booklet for this process in several languages below:

charter reflection text_ENcharter reflection text_EScharter reflection text_PT
charter reflection text_FRcharter reflection text_PLcharter reflection text_DE
 charter reflection text_IT