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Category: spiritual impulse

Ceremony of recognition at the Dicastery

Yesterday, February 8. 2023, on the World Day of Prayer against Trafficking in Persons, the International Community of the Divine Savior received the Decree of Recognition from the Holy See. It was a very special and historic day for the entire Salvatorian Family and we were very happy and filled with joy that the Generalates and representatives of all the branches of the Salvatorian Family were present to celebrate with us. What a great day!

You will find more at the Webpage of the Dicastery or below





Annual retreat in Congo 2022

Last weekend, the lay Salvatorians in Congo gathered for a retreat. The theme was an overview of Salvatorian Spirituality, Charism, Identity as Lay Salvatorians, and Salvatorian Mission. For those who are interested, the presentation in French used for this purpose is available in the ICDS-Forum.
Fr. ANDRÉ KONGOLO preached on the theme, „the lay Salvatorian facing his promises“. Deogratias Kitoko, the unit coordinator, wrote, that it was a good and inspiring meeting.

A new video on YouTube from the GC

Anne Cullender, our General secretary is now talking about the Salvatorian Universality & Mission and how we can interpret or see it today and use it as a creative tool for evangelization. The video is also available with French and German subtitles.


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Against each kind of war …

Maybe it’s not the right frame here for that but in light of the escalating current violence in Eastern Europe but also aware of the many small and bigger armed conflicts around our world with devastating effects on people and the environment, I would like to share this music video. It is intended to be thought-provoking and to invite a subsequent short prayer of one’s own choice for peace. War has always been the worst solution to any problem, and it usually leads to others. Actually, we should have learned that by now in our thousands of years of human history …
Let’s put down our weapons and let’s find better solutions in common for the future.

Easter message – Mensaje de Pascua 2021

The Lord has risen – The Lord is risen indeed …

The women brought the Good News to the disciples and followers of Jesus after they found the empty tomb. Click on the picture below to become guided to our special easter page.

Las mujeres llevaron la Buena Nueva a los discípulos y seguidores de Jesús después de encontrar la tumba vacía. Haga clic en la foto de abajo para ser guiado a nuestra página especial de Pascua.


O Lord,
Risen, alive and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds, and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action, and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.





Read the Easter letter of inspiration, motivation, and reflection by the General Committee from the links below as pdf-file in the following languages:




ICDS Prayer chain becomes ICDS prayer cloud

Dear Lay Salvatorians, dear sisters, and brothers in Christ,

the ICDS prayer chain has changed to become a real connection to the ICDS community across the world. We invite you to join with us each Monday evening in prayers for Justice and Peace that will bring us all together across the world.

I’m sure you would have heard about the difficulties and inhuman situations of war, crimes, intolerances violence, and terror that are prevalent in many areas of the world, maybe even very close to where you live. The question is asked, “What can we as simple people of God do to end this?”

Therefore this invitation to all Lay Salvatorians and people who are connected to us to come together as far as possible, each Monday evening at the place where you live, to join in common prayer for peace and justice. To establish a global living chain – a cloud of prayer, it will be necessary to conduct this prayer between the hours of 6.00-9.00pm or (18.00-21.00) in your area. This three-hour range allows for the possibility to hand over the spirit of the prayer into the next time zone in a good way. It does not matter where you pray our make your contemplation, this can be in a church, at home or just simply walking down the street. Give yourself and the intention you are praying for a few minutes of your attention. In this way, we can build up a forwarding spiritual connection, you may say a prayer cloud, which goes around the world each Monday evening. This shows that all Lay Salvatorians are a community of people having the same intention and that no one is ever alone. Invite your unit, members, community family, and friends to support this intention.

You will find there first a common prayer or reflection followed by some word of Fr. Francis Jordan or Mother Mary of the Apostles.
Afterward, we offer prayer requests from around the world you can pick up or to choose some to include into your personal prayer. We hope this new shape of common action will find your agreement and ask for your spiritual support.

May Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ be with us at all times.

Christian Patzl – President of the ICDS


Since today the actual issue of the

ICDS prayer cloud

is online and you can find it with the link above. Enjoy, support and share it with other Lay Salvatorians around you, please.

If you have a concern for that you think it’s a need to be prayed,
don’t hesitate to tell us with a comment or a prayer request!

Click here, if you have a request!

Let’s pray in common for our concerns.

Easter message – Mensaje de Pascua 2020

The Lord has risen – The Lord is risen indeed …

The women brought the Good News to the disciples and followers of Jesus after they found the empty tomb. Click on the picture below to become guided to our special easter page.

Las mujeres llevaron la Buena Nueva a los discípulos y seguidores de Jesús después de encontrar la tumba vacía. Haga clic en la foto de abajo para ser guiado a nuestra página especial de Pascua.


O Lord,
Risen, alive and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.





Read the Easter – thoughts and reflection from the links below as pdf-file in following languages:




Invitation to the Way of the Cross

We offer a meditation to the stations of the cross in the coming days and want to invite you to follow us. After starting tomorrow you will find each day a new station on our Spiritual Blog. Even and especial in these days of extensive separation and isolation of many of us this could be a possibility for reflection and recover the spiritual orientation and recalibration. A perhaps interesting journey into yourself …


Ofrecemos una meditación a las estaciones de la cruz en los próximos días y queremos invitarles a seguirnos. Después de comenzar mañana, encontrarás cada día una nueva estación en nuestro Blog Espiritual. Incluso y especialmente en estos días de extensa separación y aislamiento de muchos de nosotros esto podría ser una posibilidad para la reflexión y recuperar la orientación y recalibración espiritual. Un quizás interesante viaje hacia dentro de ti mismo…


Wir bieten eine Meditation zu den Kreuzwegstationen in den kommenden Tagen an und möchten Sie einladen, uns zu folgen. Ab morgen werden Sie jeden Tag eine neue Station in unserem Spirituellen Blog finden. Auch und gerade in diesen Tagen der weitgehenden Trennung und Isolation vieler von uns könnte dies eine Möglichkeit zur Reflexion und zur Wiedererlangung der spirituellen Orientierung und Neukalibrierung sein. Eine vielleicht interessante Reise zu sich selbst …