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Category: spiritual impulse

Announcement: Meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe 2025

Dear Salvatorian Family

After a long, far too long break, a meeting of the Salvatorian Laity – Europe is organized once again. Spiritual exchange is an important basis for our work, and this is best achieved through personal encounters. Even if, due to special circumstances, we have recently successfully explored other ways of communicating, it is high time to refresh, deepen, and renew personal relationships and get to know new sisters and brothers in spirit.

Therefore the

Communities of Salvatorian Laity in Germany

invite to a meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe in


Walking together with Jesus Christ“


Ecumene should be the heart of talks, prayer times, workshops and other items of our agenda. We pay particular importance getting to know each other better and gaining a deeper understanding of one another.
Prof. Dr. Michaela C. Hastetter and P. PD Dr. habil. Ephräm Givi Lomidze have already confirmed their participation as speakers. In addition to their teaching and research activities, both are also members of the management of STEP WIEN (St. Ephrem’s Scientific Center for Oriental & Occidental Studies).


Key data:

WHEN:May 29 – June 1, 2025
WHERE:Regina Pacis Conference Center in
D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu; Baden-Württemberg
WHO:Lay Salvatorians internationally, people interested in Salvatorian spirit and charism, and guests from the two other Salvatorian branches are very welcome.
COSTS: We have currently calculated a total cost of € 380 per person,
This includes accommodation with full board and coffee breaks, the supporting program, and the costs for the two speakers. A solidarity fund will be set up to ensure that no one is unable to participate for financial reasons.





Video about the pact of Blessed Francis Jordan


This video shares three perspectives from members of the Salvatorian Family on “The Pactum” of Blessed Francis Jordan. The Pactum is the covenant that Blessed Jordan made with God. It grounded him in his commitment to do God’s will in founding the apostolic mission of the Salvatorians. This video is to help viewers explore and reflect on their own personal pact with God.


Unfortunately, this video is spoken only in English. But fortunately, YouTube allows us to insert subtitles in your preferred language. Please read the following instructions:
  1. look for the black bar below the screen:
  2. simply go to the icon “CC” and click on it – you will see a red underline. 
  3. Then immediately click on the icon with the “Gear wheel”  and then you see “auto-translate” and click on it. Then you will see a list of languages – choose your language.

With this message, the General Committee of the ICDS wishes you all a blessed and enriching Foundation Day!

“Laudate Deum” – this concerns all of us!


Pope Francis has published an Apostolic Exhortation building on his 2015 encyclical: “Laudate Deum”. We’re not reacting enough, he says, we’re close to breaking point. He criticizes climate change deniers, saying that the human origin of global warming is now beyond doubt. And he describes how care for our common home flows from the Christian faith.


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A cry, a call also addressed to the Salvatorian laity. Our challenges of the time also urge us to question and, if necessary, reorient our activities and apostolates with regard to environmental impact and the climate crisis. The world needs us and we are called to respond to the challenges (signs) of our time. It is not only the big changes or improvements that count, which we as individuals or small groups can hardly achieve. But the many small things in our everyday lives can make a big difference if we question them and change them accordingly.


Get more information here → Vatican News


Laudate Deum text in several languages



El Papa Francisco ha publicado una exhortación apostólica basada en su encíclica de 2015 “Laudate Deum”. No estamos reaccionando lo suficiente, dice, estamos cerca del punto de ruptura. Critica a los negacionistas del cambio climático, diciendo que el origen humano del calentamiento global está ahora fuera de toda duda. Y describe cómo el cuidado de nuestra casa común emana de la fe cristiana.

Un grito, una llamada dirigida también a los laicos Salvatorianos. Los desafíos de nuestro tiempo también nos urgen a cuestionar y, si es necesario, a reorientar nuestras actividades y apostolados en relación con el impacto medioambiental y la crisis climática. El mundo nos necesita y estamos llamados a responder a los desafíos (signos) de nuestro tiempo. No sólo cuentan los grandes cambios o mejoras, que nosotros, como individuos o pequeños grupos, difícilmente podemos conseguir. Pero las muchas pequeñas cosas de nuestra vida cotidiana pueden marcar una gran diferencia si nos las cuestionamos y las cambiamos en consecuencia.


Más información → Vatican News


Texto de Laudate Deum

Translated with DeepL


Speeches from Recognition day – 4



With the words of His Eminence Kevin Joseph Cardinal Farrell at the recognition ceremony at the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, we conclude our series on important and historic speeches of that day. I hope that even if you could not be present in person, you can still feel a little of the moving and joyful feeling of the event.

May the Cardinal’s blessing always continue in our hearts and become a blessing for the whole Salvatorian Family.





Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Speeches from Recognition day – 3

This posting includes the speech by Superior General Sr. Maria Yaneth Moreno SDS from the Mass of Thanksgiving on February 8. The theme: A special moment …




Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Speeches from Recognition day – 2

This posting includes the homily by Superior General Fr. Milton Zonta SDS from the Mass of Thanksgiving on February 8. The theme: Salvatorians – Apostles in the World




Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.