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Category: pilgrimage


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Mon voyage de pèlerinage pour réconforter les nouveaux adhérents à la Communauté Internationale du Divin sauveur en Tanzanie a é une expérience spirituelle très éprouvante pour ma foi : les réalités du voyage, les découvertes des nouvelles cultures et des nouvelles personnes, la rencontre avec des personnes lointaines, le partage et l’unité dans la diversité (langues, gimes alimentaires, différences d’âge et de sexe…) Une découverte de l’inconnu. Tout ceci a fait de moi une nouvelle personne à travers le Bienheureux JORDAN qui luimême est baptisé dun apôtre audelà des frontières, cestàdire audelà de nos forces et de nos faiblesses, au– delà de nos attentes et besoins personnels, audelà de ce que nous imaginons. Jai rencontré des pe< /span>rsonnes que ne pouvais jamais imaginer que je rencontrerai une seule fois dans ma vie. Il s’agit de:


  • 36 nouveaux laïcs salvatoriens de la Tanzanie dont 4 papas venus de MASISI, SINZA, MOROGORO, KURASINI……
  • Une forte délégation venue des Etats unis d’Arique :
    • Une sœur Régionale des sœurs du Divin Sauveur
    • Un Prêtre salvatorien (Père Provincial de la Californie)
    • Un Frère salvatorien (diacre)
    • Le Président national des laïcs salvatoriens des USA accompag de son épouse et leurs quatre enfants
    • Un couple des laïcs salvatoriens
    • Trois autres laïcs salvatoriennes parmi lesquelles une jeune fille
  • Les prêtres, les urs ainsi que les frères salvatoriens de la province de Tanzanie en particulier Mgr LAZARIUS et le Père Provincial

Tout ceci a été une expérience de l’universalité salvatorienne : l’accueil qui était très bon, le séjour, la communication…

Il est donc possible que nous menions une vie universelle dans la diversité autour du Christ avec l’assistance du Saint Esprit et grâce à l’intercession de la Sainte Vierge Marie et du Bienheureux JORDAN

Pour réaliser cette expérience il m’a fallu des sacrifices que Le Seigneur en qui je crois et je sers récompense d’une manière ou d’une autre. Je ne me lasserai jamais de continuer à le servir, n’en déplaise aux auteurs des actes frisant les découragements. Avec courage je porterai toujours ma Croix pour répondre à mon appel et je fixerai mes yeux vers JESUS en qui j’ai confiance


Salvatorienne RDC




My pilgrimage to Tanzania to comfort the new members of the International Community of the Divine Saviour was a very testing spiritual experience for my faith: the realities of the journey, the discovery of new cultures and new people, meeting people from far away, sharing and unity in diversity (languages, diets, age, and gender differences…) A discovery of the unknown. All of this has made me a new person through Blessed JORDAN, who himself is baptized by an apostle beyond borders, that is, beyond our strengths and weaknesses, beyond our personal expectations and needs, and beyond what we imagine. I have met people who I could never have imagined I would meet once in my life. They were:

  • 36 new lay Salvatorians from Tanzania, including 4 fathers from MASISI, SINZA, MOROGORO and KURASINI……
  • A strong delegation from the United States of America:
    • A Regional Sister of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour
    • A Salvatorian priest (Father Provincial of California)
    • A Salvatorian Brother (deacon)
    • The National President of the Lay Salvatorians of the USA accompanied by his wife and their four children
    • A couple of Lay Salvatorians
    • Three other lay Salvatorians, including a young girl
  • The priests, the sisters, and the Salvatorian brothers of the Tanzanian province, in particular Mgr LAZARIUS and the Father Provincial.

All of this was an experience of Salvatorian universality: the welcome, which was very good, the stay, the communication…

It is therefore possible for us to lead a universal life in diversity around Christ, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and thanks to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessed Jordan.

To achieve this experience I have had to make sacrifices that the Lord, in whom I believe and serve, rewards in one way or another. I will never tire of continuing to serve him, whatever the perpetrators of acts bordering on discouragement. With courage, I will always carry my Cross to answer my call and I will fix my eyes on JESUS whom I trust.


Salvatorian DRC

Translated into English with DeepL

On the common path …

A group of the Lay Salvatorians in Austria met last Saturday for a spiritual walk through the landscape in the northeast of Austria. The start and endpoint was the little local church of Gaubitsch, the eldest in the surrounding with roots back to 1055.
With a prayer and a song, we started our walk. Seven stations invited us with text from the Holy Scripture to reflect a little bit on our personal path in life. The walk was a wonderful recreation after the last years affected by the CoVid-pandemic. Even if not all exchanges we can describe as „Holy words“ there was to feel the Holy Spirit as a companion and opened again our common engagement in the Lay Salvatorian community. In our thought and prayers, we tried to take all the members of the Salvatorian family with us in this way and express our unity.
With thankfulness, we will think about this day for a long time, and may it inspire our acting in the coming future.

PS: We would appreciate reading about similar actions from other units because we recognized during the walking on our path that the communication between us in the international community needs an improvement again. So maybe you can see these lines as an invitation … Your comments and ideas are very welcome …


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Invitation to the Way of the Cross

We offer a meditation to the stations of the cross in the coming days and want to invite you to follow us. After starting tomorrow you will find each day a new station on our Spiritual Blog. Even and especial in these days of extensive separation and isolation of many of us this could be a possibility for reflection and recover the spiritual orientation and recalibration. A perhaps interesting journey into yourself …


Ofrecemos una meditación a las estaciones de la cruz en los próximos días y queremos invitarles a seguirnos. Después de comenzar mañana, encontrarás cada día una nueva estación en nuestro Blog Espiritual. Incluso y especialmente en estos días de extensa separación y aislamiento de muchos de nosotros esto podría ser una posibilidad para la reflexión y recuperar la orientación y recalibración espiritual. Un quizás interesante viaje hacia dentro de ti mismo…


Wir bieten eine Meditation zu den Kreuzwegstationen in den kommenden Tagen an und möchten Sie einladen, uns zu folgen. Ab morgen werden Sie jeden Tag eine neue Station in unserem Spirituellen Blog finden. Auch und gerade in diesen Tagen der weitgehenden Trennung und Isolation vieler von uns könnte dies eine Möglichkeit zur Reflexion und zur Wiedererlangung der spirituellen Orientierung und Neukalibrierung sein. Eine vielleicht interessante Reise zu sich selbst …


„I searcherd and searched …“

According to these words above of Mother Mary of the Apostles, the European Lay Salvatorian meeting 2019 took place at Horrem (July,11 – 14 2019). Participants from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain and one Salvatorian sister from the US shared a few days of prayers, discussions, thoughts, reflections and a lot of good humor. Some of the highlights were

  • a Rosary made by tea candles, where each one was invited to bring in his/her thanks, requests or simple thoughts of personal importance.

  • a tale of reflection about how we could change the face of our world with easy means.

  • a little view on mission projects in India and Sri Lanka.

  • a visit of the cathedral of Cologne and some other interesting romanic churches which mirrors the long history of Christianity in this area.

  • a very contemplative inspiring Vesper and Eucharist at the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem.

  • a visit of the roots of Mother Mary of the Apostles at Myllendonk and Neuwerk.

  • and of course the readings and gospels of each day …

Unfortunately, the time passed too quickly but the spiritual bags of the participants got filled very well and so this wonderful event will still accompany us in our minds over a long time into the future.

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European Lay Salvatorian meeting in Logroño/Spain

Mission: see – grasp – act

Groups and people of eleven nations (units) including one member from the US met in Logroño/Spain for the 5th (6th) European Lay Salvatorian encounter from June 8 – 11. The topic was “Mission: See – grasp – act” and we got three excellent keynote speakers for this event. Fr. István Barazsuly SDS from Rumania, Fr. Michel Coppin SDS from Belgium, and Ms. Mª Ángeles Molina CDS from Spain, who works as missionary in Guatemala at the moment.

Fr. István talked about the challenges and necessities in his country Romania. It is in some parts an example of the religious situation in Europe. The people, and even many of the young people, are searching and open for spiritual things in their life. Certainly the “wrapping” of the religion does not match the challenges and needs of the life of today. So we have to find new interpretations of the old truths and new doorways into people’s heart and we have to recognise that Europe is an area for mission today. A big challenge is the poverty which is a basis that people get into dependencies and get forced into several forms of modern slavery by criminals in whole Europe. Cooperation with other units is important to intensify and improve the awareness of this situation. Continue Reading

Pilgrimage of the Austrian Laysalvatorians

img1_1024_x_768On Saturday 19 September 2016 the Laysalvatorians of Austria went for a pilgrimage with the motto “Laudato Si” according to the Encyclica of Pope Francis. Additionally, he recently incorporated the integrity of creation as the 8th work of mercy and proclaimed Sept 1 as the Creation’s World Day of prayer.

Together we went by train to a village located at the Danube River somewhere north-west of Vienna, our starting point. In front of the local church (unfortunately it was closed) we held the initial spiritual momentum with some statements from the encyclica and a song. Then we started our walk into the Wienerwald towards the destination of our pilgrimage, the Lourdes Cave of Maria Gugging. The first part of our path was steep up a hill through the wood but afterwards the path went over fields and through forested areas sometimes uphill sometimes downhill but not as steep as at the beginning. We made two stops for contemplation on the way. The final prayer we held at the Lourdes  Cave. There our personal concerns and requests were offered to the Lord and Mother Mary in quietness and prayer. A public bus brought us back to the meeting point of the morning. It was a good day with many interesting interchanges of ideas, common prayer and lived Salvatorian community.



Interested on a Pilgrimage?’s blessings to all Lay Salvatorians!

Are you interested to participate on a pilgrimage and visit interesting places?

Then you are right here. This is an invitation to any Lay Salvatorian that may wish to join with the Australian Lay Salvatorian Pilgrimage going to St Petersburg, Southern Poland and the Czech Republic in July 2017.

It is designed to honour Mary our mother and the main patron of the Society. All enquiries should be sent to Anne Cullender or Father Leonard Macionczyk SDS.
You are very welcome. Please go to the Australian Salvatorian website for form and further details.