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ICDS prayer chain – issue November 2018

Since today the actual issue of the

ICDS prayer chain

is online and you can find it with the link above. Enjoy, support and share it with other Lay Salvatorians around you, please.

If you have a concern for that you think it’s a need to be prayed,
don’t hesitate to tell us with a comment or a prayer request!

Click here, if you have a request!

Let’s pray in common for our concerns.

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ICDS General Assembly – midterm review

The Gerneral Assembly has arraived at it’s halfway point. The atmosphere in the group is fantastic, each one has the joy to communicate and to share with one another  – and not at least the common joy to be at this event!

The reports which were given have shown how much the ICDS has moved forward and has grown in the past six years. Presentations about community building and formation gave new perspectives on how we could deepen the community on all levels. Following this, thoughts about possible cooperations between units based on the apostolates which are already in action there (building synergies) were shared. The future could become very interesting and fruitful …

You can find more details here.