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ICDS Receives recognition from the Dicastery

Dear Salvatorian sisters and brothers,

We have reached a point after a long journey, or better said a very interesting journey, full of many ups and downs, with times not knowing how this journey will turn out, times of rejection and being sent back to the start again, and times of frustration and doubts. But there were also times filled with great moments of joy, new encouragement, and fresh enthusiasm – and the finest moment has reached us now at last. Our many prayers and thoughts, full of confidence and trust placed in God’s loving hands, have borne fruit and led us to the goal.

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, has approved the draft of our statutes and grants recognition to the Community of the Divine Savior as an International Private Association of the Faithful, dotted with juridical personality in Canon Law.

We bring you this joyful news full of humility and gratitude. Our very special thanks go first to Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan and Blessed Mary of the Apostles, our spiritual leaders, and visionaries who have interceded for us. And then, of course, to all sisters and brothers, of the General Committee, of the leadership teams in the units, and all the other members of the Salvatorian Family, friends, and families who have supported us with their thoughts, ideas, visions, prayers, and encouragement. Without all your efforts, this moment would not have been possible. A big thank you and a bow to you all!

We are aware that this event will start a process of acceptance within your unit. We are also aware that some of you would have expected some different content in the document. Be assured that our greatest effort, carried with much patience, has guided us to this result. It was a huge learning curve for all involved and required common structures to become an internationally recognized association.

Let’s enjoy and be proud of the “common house” ICDS we now have. Now it’s up to us how cozy and friendly we make the “inside and our rooms”. Let us fill this house, the International Community of the Divine Savior, with life and joy. May the Holy Spirit be always present in it.

Yours very truly,

The General Committee of the ICDS

April 22: Earth day 2022

Despite the awareness that we have many seemingly more important problems, we must not ignore this year’s Earth Day. The importance of this day is also repeatedly underlined by Pope Francis, because whoever does not respect and persecute creation, also does not persecute and respect God. Even if the reading of the encyclical “Laudato si’ ” may be difficult for some, it is still important to deal with it, because we only have this one world and must also keep it habitable for future generations.

Reflecting on Earth Day, Cardinal Michael Czerny explains why the Church and Pope Francis care so greatly about the Earth, and laments “menacing failures” which make action to protect the environment “urgent.” See here the full article.

As Salvatorians, we have committed ourselves in the Salvatorian Charter to protect life as such and to work to make life abundant for all creatures. May this day always be a small reminder to us.


Aid support for Ukraine refugees by Salvatorians in Poland

We all know the heartbreaking images from the war in Ukraine. Most of the refugees or displaced persons went or are still going to Poland. The Lay Salvatorians and the Salvatorian sisters have established some aid support for these people and we have asked Sylwia Tempel a Lay Salvatorian from Poland to share some pieces of information about these aid initiatives with us:


On March 24th the Salvatorian Sisters at the provincial house received 8 refugees from Kharkov – parents with 5 children and one older woman. The building has been renovated and refurnished before the crisis, so the Sisters have dedicated it to the residential needs of refugees. Sister Adriana Kieloch SDS has been serving as a translator at the local administration level. Sister Adriana spent 14 years in Ukraine and understands not only the language but also the people. She serves at the municipal social service agency in helping refugees legally register their presence so that they can obtain proper identification as well as rights to employment, insurance benefits, and child support. Sister Adriana explained to me that it takes 30 minutes to register a single refugee. Photographs of the provincial house welcome can be found at the following link: Continue Reading

A new video on YouTube from the GC

Anne Cullender, our General secretary is now talking about the Salvatorian Universality & Mission and how we can interpret or see it today and use it as a creative tool for evangelization. The video is also available with French and German subtitles.


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ICDS now on YouTube, too.

The General Committee has established its own ICDS YouTube channel to present videos about Salvatorian topics. At the moment there are some available already, some more will be to find there soon. The videos will be published in different languages and we try to add subtitles in other languages to the videos, too. In case you will not find your language, get into contact with us and we will send you a copy of the original text so you can translate it.

We would like to get some feedback and motivation from you because we are all learners and try to improve ourselves permanently.


COP26 climate conference matters for Catholics!

Peter Knox, S.J., of South Africa joins Sebastian Gomes, an executive editor at America Media, on “Behind the Story” for an honest conversation on climate change, the upcoming COP26 meeting and what Catholics can do to respond to Pope Francis’ calls for ecological conversion.


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Salvatorian Family: JPIC International Online-Meetings

An invitation to all Salvatorian Family members

At the end of July, an important step in the cooperation of the Salvatorian Family will take place and needs your support and possible attendance. A three days online conference is planned covering different topics and we invite you to sign in for it. The conferences respect as good as possible the different time zones of each unit. It would be a good sign to be present at least in one of it to show our all Salvatorian unity and close mutual relationship of the three Salvatorian branches. Furthermore, the topics of the conference are of importance for our worldwide Salvatorian mission of today. Each Salvatorian unit is part of the whole and gets in touch with these topics. The international Salvatorian Commission for Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) made a prophetic commitment at their last assembly: “To realize and awaken the awareness of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to respond to the calls of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour, in defence of human dignity, which recreates fraternity, promoting more respect for all divine creation”.

We can see the effects of the imbalance of these concerns all over the world. Whether it is access to clean water or air to breathe, the equitable distribution and payment of raw materials, supply chains, intermediary trade, labour exploitation and migration, or the many armed conflicts with global implications. We all also need to become more and more aware of man-made climate change with its catastrophic effects – and every one of us can do our part to prevent this world from plunging into the abyss. The world would have enough resources for all of us, but it does not have enough to satisfy our greed!

We are called to make our contribution to the preservation of creation. God gave us this world to live in and to keep it, but not to exploit and sell it.

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Sign up to the email contacts on the posters to get the access data, please. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

Stay well. God bless you.


A short version of the Beatification

Giuseppe Rogolino, our Lay Salvatorian in Rome, made a fine summary video of the Beatification ceremony. Enjoy it …

Pay special attention to the final scene, and write what you saw.

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Video message of the General Committee – Video mensaje del Comité General


Have a look at the video message of the General Committee on the occasion of the Beatification of Fr. Francis Jordan.




In case you have trouble following the subtitles here below these lines the whole text in English and Spanish.


Vea el video-mensaje del Comité General con motivo de la beatificación del P. Francisco Jordán.




En caso de que tengas problemas para seguir los subtítulos aquí debajo de estas líneas el texto completo en inglés y español.

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Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Next weekend the beatification ceremonies of Fr. Francis will take place in Rome. So that even all Lay Salvatorians have the opportunity to be present at these important moments of the Salvatorian Family, a lifestream transmission via the Internet will be established. Find the necessary information below in your language.


Celebraciones de la beatificación transmisión de la corriente vital

El próximo fin de semana tendrá lugar en Roma la ceremonia de beatificación del P. Francisco. Para que también todos los laicos salvatorianos tengan la oportunidad de estar presentes en estos importantes momentos de la Familia Salvatoriana, se establecerá una transmisión en vivo vía Internet. A continuación encontrará la información necesaria en su idioma.





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