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Invitation: Meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe 2025

Dear Salvatorian Family

You will undoubtedly remember the advance notice regarding the planned meeting in Germany in 2025. The preparation team has been jampacked and is now sending out the official invitation with registration → see the link below. If you are interested, please get in touch with the organizers in Germany.


Communities of Salvatorian Laity in Germany

invite to a meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe in


Walking together with Jesus Christ“




Key data:

WHEN:May 29 – June 1, 2025
WHERE:Regina Pacis Conference Center in
D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu; Baden-Württemberg
WHO:Lay Salvatorians internationally, people interested in Salvatorian spirit and charism, and guests from the two other Salvatorian branches are very welcome.
COSTS:We have currently calculated a total cost of € 330 per person,
This includes accommodation with full board and coffee breaks, the supporting program, and the costs for the two speakers. A solidarity fund will be set up to ensure that no one cannot participate for financial reasons.



Registration Form



The new General Committee of the ICDS

Dear readers,

Since it was very difficult to access the internet in Logrone because the corresponding wifi networks kept crashing, therefore here is the important news from our General Assembly.


The International Community of the Divine Savior is pleased to present the new leadership team. On Monday, October 14, 2024, the following people were elected to the General Committee in Logrono, Spain:

Christian Patzl (Austria) – President, and Celso Calleff (Brazil) – Vice President.

Bobby Pantuso (USA), Sammantha Da Luz (Australia), Olga Lucia Hurtado (Colombia), and Monica Cuadra (Venezuela) as consulters 

Sussan Mugurusi (Tanzania) and Mariangeles Molina (Guatemala/Spain) as the two internal auditors



All the best and God’s blessings to the elected persons for their work and their activities in and for the ICDS.

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Announcement: Meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe 2025

Dear Salvatorian Family

After a long, far too long break, a meeting of the Salvatorian Laity – Europe is organized once again. Spiritual exchange is an important basis for our work, and this is best achieved through personal encounters. Even if, due to special circumstances, we have recently successfully explored other ways of communicating, it is high time to refresh, deepen, and renew personal relationships and get to know new sisters and brothers in spirit.

Therefore the

Communities of Salvatorian Laity in Germany

invite to a meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe in


Walking together with Jesus Christ“


Ecumene should be the heart of talks, prayer times, workshops and other items of our agenda. We pay particular importance getting to know each other better and gaining a deeper understanding of one another.
Prof. Dr. Michaela C. Hastetter and P. PD Dr. habil. Ephräm Givi Lomidze have already confirmed their participation as speakers. In addition to their teaching and research activities, both are also members of the management of STEP WIEN (St. Ephrem’s Scientific Center for Oriental & Occidental Studies).


Key data:

WHEN:May 29 – June 1, 2025
WHERE:Regina Pacis Conference Center in
D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu; Baden-Württemberg
WHO:Lay Salvatorians internationally, people interested in Salvatorian spirit and charism, and guests from the two other Salvatorian branches are very welcome.
COSTS: We have currently calculated a total cost of € 380 per person,
This includes accommodation with full board and coffee breaks, the supporting program, and the costs for the two speakers. A solidarity fund will be set up to ensure that no one is unable to participate for financial reasons.





Formation of Lay Salvatorian trainers in DR Congo

Our Salvatorian congregation is founded on the Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, our Divine Savior (John 17:3: “And this is eternal life, that they know You, the True God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent..”) .
The International Community of the Divine Savior, ICDS in acronym, is young in its existence, alongside the two religious branches in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It lacks facilitators trained in Salvatorian fundamentals and leadership on group dynamics, a guarantee of their capacity to perpetuate the work of Blessed Francis JORDAN, founder of the congregation.
In order to guarantee the future of this branch of Lay Salvatorians in the DRC, the National Coordination in charge of training
is organizing a first session for the attention of members of the different coordinations.
The coordinators of coordination at all levels of our country naturally need this support in the exercise of their functions in order to make apostolic action and the Salvatorian mission effective. In view of the above, a training plan for lay Salvatorian leaders is essential. This training plan must be adapted to the realities on the ground to respond not only to the signs of the times but also to Salvatorian ideals,
the foundation of our existence and to the needs of the church.
For this reason, training to produce Salvatorian lay trainers was organized in two phases, namely:

  • Phase 1: from January 14 to 17, 2023 on Salvatorian fundamentals
  • Phase 2: from January 14 to 17, 2024 on some theological themes and also on educational practices

The one year gap allowed them to master the Salvatorian fundamentals and at the end of the second phase, they were sent on a mission for the expansion of our national unity. They were at 20 at the start to finish 17 in the second phase.

Provide the International Community of the Divine Savior of the DRC with facilitators trained and prepared to carry out their tasks.

This Training session has the theme: “lay Salvatorian, missionary beyond borders”

At the end of this training session, participants will be able to:

  • Prepare and implement a training meeting for other members
  • Prepare members for commitments based on Salvatorian fundamentals, prayer, lectio Divina and meditation.
  • To defend their Catholic faith and explain the meaning of the sacraments and sacramentals
  • To contextualize the gospel and the acts of the apostles after careful reading.
  • To put oneself at the center of creation to discover the Savior God
  • To understand and explain Salvatorian Universality.

Catholic Church supports activities against climate change

Since the Encyclica Laudato sii at the latest, it has been clear that the Catholic Church is committed to preserving and protecting the environment. Pope Francis is making many efforts to encourage people to use the earth’s resources better and, in particular, more sustainably. Last but not least, the catastrophic effects of climate change should be a reminder to all.

The Vatican news portal “Vatican News1 has published some important information on the subject in recent days. Among other things, the Pope highlights the need for alliances that promote care for Creation and peace. 


1 The news are available in different languages – Las noticias están disponibles en varios idiomas

Our sister Rita was called by God …

Dear sisters and brothers, dear members of the Salvatorian Family,

Although we on the General Committee had been aware of Rita’s failing health for some time, the news of her passing hit us hard. The moment when our thread of life is woven to its end is unknown. And so it says in the Book of Isaiah 38:12 :

My dwelling, like a shepherd’s tent, is struck down and borne away from me; You have folded up my life, like a weaver who severs the last thread.

Some Salvatorian lay people have written words of remembrance which can be read here on behalf of many others:

Our dear Rita beat us to the date of heaven…Her departure leaves a void in the ICDS and in the Salvatorian Family, not only in his native Belgium, but also internationally, due to her active role both in the General Committee of the ICDS, and for her participation in some of the joint commissions of the 3 branches such as “the Justice, Peace and Defense of Life Commission” and the “Salvatorian Identity and Mission Commission”.

With a jovial, cheerful and open spirit, reflecting both her vocation as a school teacher and her vocation to follow Christ as a Lay Salvatorian, Rita worked tirelessly for the development of Lay Salvatorians in the world and for the fraternal union of the Salvatorian Family, putting their gifts at your service. Continue Reading

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Lay Salvatorians Tanzania – WELCOME!

As you can read in our post from yesterday already, the ICDS is very happy to welcome our new sisters and brothers in Tanzania. Some Lay Salvatorians from the US have guided the development process over a long time and supported them with materials, were also present at the ceremony. Here is their story and report (→ click on the picture below to open the document)




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Mon voyage de pèlerinage pour réconforter les nouveaux adhérents à la Communauté Internationale du Divin sauveur en Tanzanie a é une expérience spirituelle très éprouvante pour ma foi : les réalités du voyage, les découvertes des nouvelles cultures et des nouvelles personnes, la rencontre avec des personnes lointaines, le partage et l’unité dans la diversité (langues, gimes alimentaires, différences d’âge et de sexe…) Une découverte de l’inconnu. Tout ceci a fait de moi une nouvelle personne à travers le Bienheureux JORDAN qui luimême est baptisé dun apôtre audelà des frontières, cestàdire audelà de nos forces et de nos faiblesses, au– delà de nos attentes et besoins personnels, audelà de ce que nous imaginons. Jai rencontré des pe< /span>rsonnes que ne pouvais jamais imaginer que je rencontrerai une seule fois dans ma vie. Il s’agit de:


  • 36 nouveaux laïcs salvatoriens de la Tanzanie dont 4 papas venus de MASISI, SINZA, MOROGORO, KURASINI……
  • Une forte délégation venue des Etats unis d’Arique :
    • Une sœur Régionale des sœurs du Divin Sauveur
    • Un Prêtre salvatorien (Père Provincial de la Californie)
    • Un Frère salvatorien (diacre)
    • Le Président national des laïcs salvatoriens des USA accompag de son épouse et leurs quatre enfants
    • Un couple des laïcs salvatoriens
    • Trois autres laïcs salvatoriennes parmi lesquelles une jeune fille
  • Les prêtres, les urs ainsi que les frères salvatoriens de la province de Tanzanie en particulier Mgr LAZARIUS et le Père Provincial

Tout ceci a été une expérience de l’universalité salvatorienne : l’accueil qui était très bon, le séjour, la communication…

Il est donc possible que nous menions une vie universelle dans la diversité autour du Christ avec l’assistance du Saint Esprit et grâce à l’intercession de la Sainte Vierge Marie et du Bienheureux JORDAN

Pour réaliser cette expérience il m’a fallu des sacrifices que Le Seigneur en qui je crois et je sers récompense d’une manière ou d’une autre. Je ne me lasserai jamais de continuer à le servir, n’en déplaise aux auteurs des actes frisant les découragements. Avec courage je porterai toujours ma Croix pour répondre à mon appel et je fixerai mes yeux vers JESUS en qui j’ai confiance


Salvatorienne RDC




My pilgrimage to Tanzania to comfort the new members of the International Community of the Divine Saviour was a very testing spiritual experience for my faith: the realities of the journey, the discovery of new cultures and new people, meeting people from far away, sharing and unity in diversity (languages, diets, age, and gender differences…) A discovery of the unknown. All of this has made me a new person through Blessed JORDAN, who himself is baptized by an apostle beyond borders, that is, beyond our strengths and weaknesses, beyond our personal expectations and needs, and beyond what we imagine. I have met people who I could never have imagined I would meet once in my life. They were:

  • 36 new lay Salvatorians from Tanzania, including 4 fathers from MASISI, SINZA, MOROGORO and KURASINI……
  • A strong delegation from the United States of America:
    • A Regional Sister of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour
    • A Salvatorian priest (Father Provincial of California)
    • A Salvatorian Brother (deacon)
    • The National President of the Lay Salvatorians of the USA accompanied by his wife and their four children
    • A couple of Lay Salvatorians
    • Three other lay Salvatorians, including a young girl
  • The priests, the sisters, and the Salvatorian brothers of the Tanzanian province, in particular Mgr LAZARIUS and the Father Provincial.

All of this was an experience of Salvatorian universality: the welcome, which was very good, the stay, the communication…

It is therefore possible for us to lead a universal life in diversity around Christ, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and thanks to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessed Jordan.

To achieve this experience I have had to make sacrifices that the Lord, in whom I believe and serve, rewards in one way or another. I will never tire of continuing to serve him, whatever the perpetrators of acts bordering on discouragement. With courage, I will always carry my Cross to answer my call and I will fix my eyes on JESUS whom I trust.


Salvatorian DRC

Translated into English with DeepL

“Laudate Deum” – this concerns all of us!


Pope Francis has published an Apostolic Exhortation building on his 2015 encyclical: “Laudate Deum”. We’re not reacting enough, he says, we’re close to breaking point. He criticizes climate change deniers, saying that the human origin of global warming is now beyond doubt. And he describes how care for our common home flows from the Christian faith.


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A cry, a call also addressed to the Salvatorian laity. Our challenges of the time also urge us to question and, if necessary, reorient our activities and apostolates with regard to environmental impact and the climate crisis. The world needs us and we are called to respond to the challenges (signs) of our time. It is not only the big changes or improvements that count, which we as individuals or small groups can hardly achieve. But the many small things in our everyday lives can make a big difference if we question them and change them accordingly.


Get more information here → Vatican News


Laudate Deum text in several languages



El Papa Francisco ha publicado una exhortación apostólica basada en su encíclica de 2015 “Laudate Deum”. No estamos reaccionando lo suficiente, dice, estamos cerca del punto de ruptura. Critica a los negacionistas del cambio climático, diciendo que el origen humano del calentamiento global está ahora fuera de toda duda. Y describe cómo el cuidado de nuestra casa común emana de la fe cristiana.

Un grito, una llamada dirigida también a los laicos Salvatorianos. Los desafíos de nuestro tiempo también nos urgen a cuestionar y, si es necesario, a reorientar nuestras actividades y apostolados en relación con el impacto medioambiental y la crisis climática. El mundo nos necesita y estamos llamados a responder a los desafíos (signos) de nuestro tiempo. No sólo cuentan los grandes cambios o mejoras, que nosotros, como individuos o pequeños grupos, difícilmente podemos conseguir. Pero las muchas pequeñas cosas de nuestra vida cotidiana pueden marcar una gran diferencia si nos las cuestionamos y las cambiamos en consecuencia.


Más información → Vatican News


Texto de Laudate Deum

Translated with DeepL


Expanding Salvatorian Family commission meeting

The members of the Commission “Expanding of the Salvatorian Family” met this week in Rome at the Mother House of the Salvatorian Society. On the agenda was the preparation of a proposal for the upcoming General Chapters and the General Assembly. The topic is to find out a possible structure and/or criteria to implement also other types of groups that want to commit themselves to the Salvatorian vision of Blessed Francis Jordan. At this meeting also the leaders of the current three Salvatorian branches shared time with the commission to see how the work develops and give one or another input or remark.
Of course, furthermore, this meeting gave the opportunity for informal meetings to the representatives of the Generalates and some persons from several units.