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Category: Events

Video message of the General Committee – Video mensaje del Comité General


Have a look at the video message of the General Committee on the occasion of the Beatification of Fr. Francis Jordan.




In case you have trouble following the subtitles here below these lines the whole text in English and Spanish.


Vea el video-mensaje del Comité General con motivo de la beatificación del P. Francisco Jordán.




En caso de que tengas problemas para seguir los subtítulos aquí debajo de estas líneas el texto completo en inglés y español.

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Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Next weekend the beatification ceremonies of Fr. Francis will take place in Rome. So that even all Lay Salvatorians have the opportunity to be present at these important moments of the Salvatorian Family, a lifestream transmission via the Internet will be established. Find the necessary information below in your language.


Celebraciones de la beatificación transmisión de la corriente vital

El próximo fin de semana tendrá lugar en Roma la ceremonia de beatificación del P. Francisco. Para que también todos los laicos salvatorianos tengan la oportunidad de estar presentes en estos importantes momentos de la Familia Salvatoriana, se establecerá una transmisión en vivo vía Internet. A continuación encontrará la información necesaria en su idioma.





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Update about the Beatification ceremony of Fr. Franzis Jordan

The Generalate of the Salvatorian Fathers and brothers has sent us an update about the plannings of the beatification ceremony of Fr. Francis Jordan. See the documents in several languages below.


Letter of Fr. Milton

Registration form


Carta del Padre Milton

Formulario de inscripción


Carta do Pe. Milton

Formulário de inscrição


Lettre du P. Milton

Formulaire d’inscription


List o. Miltona

Formularz rejestracyjny


Lettera di P. Milton

Modulo di registrazione


Brief von P. Milton



Remarks about the Beatification ceremony of Fr. Francis Jordan

The General Committee has discussed and consulted about the possibilities and realities of the planned beatification ceremony. See the result in the letter below.

GC letter Beatification English


El Comité General ha debatido y consultado sobre las posibilidades y realidades de la ceremonia de beatificación prevista. Véase el resultado en la carta que figura a continuación.

Carta de beatificación del CG en español

Salvatorian Commitment: Our community begins in our heart

Dear sisters and brothers,
Allow me to say a few fraternal words about this year’s upcoming December 8.
Life in the community as we know it is a great challenge especially now in the time of the CoVid pandemic. However, modern means of communication offer us new opportunities to live and share community in a completely new way – an opportunity that we might not have otherwise considered at all. The community, whether real or virtual, invites us to learn – and live – together. Here we experience encouragement, can open ourselves, and find support on the common Salvatorian path.
Around December 8th, many Sisters and Brothers of the Salvatorian Family will renew their commitment and become aware of it again. But we will also be able to welcome several new sisters and brothers into our family of faith.

We all know that the community is not only home to us, but also a constant challenge and sometimes it can become the touchstone of our witness. In mutual respect, it is important to recognize the differences within us and to see them as opportunities and riches. In this way, I would like to invite all of you, wherever you renew your personal commitment or make it the first time, to become aware of this Salvatorian Family and Community. This especially in this year of pandemic, but also with the prospect of the beatification of Father Fanziskus Jordan in May next year. Let us encourage each other to live our mission, which as Salvatorians has been entrusted in a specific vocation to each one of us personally.

Jesus Christ is the center of our community, our Salvatorian Family, and through and with Him our community endures, beyond all boundaries and limitations, because it resides in our hearts and minds.
So that we may all recognize Him as the only true God and whom He has sent

together with you on the Salvatorian path

[ezcol_1fifth][/ezcol_1fifth] [ezcol_2fifth]Christian Patzl
President of the ICDS[/ezcol_2fifth] [ezcol_1fifth][/ezcol_1fifth] [ezcol_1fifth_end][/ezcol_1fifth_end]


Queridos hermanos y hermanas,
Permítanme decir unas palabras fraternales sobre el próximo 8 de diciembre de este año.
La vida en la comunidad tal como la conocemos es un gran desafío, especialmente ahora en la época de la pandemia de CoVid. Sin embargo, los medios de comunicación modernos nos ofrecen nuevas oportunidades para vivir y compartir la comunidad de una manera completamente nueva, una oportunidad que de otra manera no habríamos considerado en absoluto. La comunidad, ya sea real o virtual, nos invita a aprender y a vivir juntos. Aquí experimentamos el estímulo, podemos abrirnos y encontrar apoyo en el camino común Salvatoriano.
Alrededor del 8 de diciembre, muchas hermanas y hermanos de la Familia Salvatoriana renovarán su compromiso y volverán a tomar conciencia de ello. Pero también podremos acoger a varias nuevas hermanas y hermanos en nuestra familia de fe.

Todos sabemos que la comunidad no sólo es nuestro hogar, sino también un desafío constante y a veces puede convertirse en la piedra de toque de nuestro testimonio. En el respeto mutuo, es importante reconocer las diferencias dentro de nosotros y verlas como oportunidades y riquezas. De esta manera, quisiera invitar a todos ustedes, dondequiera que renueven su compromiso personal o lo hagan por primera vez, a tomar conciencia de esta Familia y Comunidad Salvatoriana. Esto especialmente en este año de pandemia, pero también con la perspectiva de la beatificación del Padre Francisco Jordán en mayo del próximo año. Animémonos mutuamente a vivir nuestra misión, que como Salvatorianos nos ha sido confiada en una vocación específica a cada uno de nosotros personalmente.

Jesucristo es el centro de nuestra comunidad, nuestra Familia Salvatoriana, y a través de Él y con Él nuestra comunidad perdura, más allá de todas las fronteras y limitaciones, porque reside en nuestros corazones y mentes.
Para que todos podamos reconocerlo como el único Dios verdadero y a quien ha enviado

junto contigo en el camino de los Salvatorianos

Christian Patzl
Presidente del ICDS

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February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking + modern slavery


Many people of the world and the Catholic church are celebrating February 8 again. You remember why?

It’s the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000 and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General have designated February 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking.

On February 8, Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services to create greater awareness Continue Reading

„I searcherd and searched …“

According to these words above of Mother Mary of the Apostles, the European Lay Salvatorian meeting 2019 took place at Horrem (July,11 – 14 2019). Participants from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain and one Salvatorian sister from the US shared a few days of prayers, discussions, thoughts, reflections and a lot of good humor. Some of the highlights were

  • a Rosary made by tea candles, where each one was invited to bring in his/her thanks, requests or simple thoughts of personal importance.

  • a tale of reflection about how we could change the face of our world with easy means.

  • a little view on mission projects in India and Sri Lanka.

  • a visit of the cathedral of Cologne and some other interesting romanic churches which mirrors the long history of Christianity in this area.

  • a very contemplative inspiring Vesper and Eucharist at the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem.

  • a visit of the roots of Mother Mary of the Apostles at Myllendonk and Neuwerk.

  • and of course the readings and gospels of each day …

Unfortunately, the time passed too quickly but the spiritual bags of the participants got filled very well and so this wonderful event will still accompany us in our minds over a long time into the future.

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February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking + modern slavery

St. Josephine Bakhita

February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000 and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General has designated February 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking.

On February 8, Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services to create greater awareness about this phenomenon. Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, but also comfort, strengthen, and help empower survivors.

Many Salvatorians over the world (religious and lay) are working in this field in several units. If you don’t have information about the salvatorian work against Human trafficking and modern slavery get into contact with your unit leaders. They should know more or contact members of the International Salvatorian Committee for justice, peace and integrity of creation.

It’s necessary and important  that all people get the awareness about this serious crime, to free this modern slaves and end modern slavery – because it’s unfortunately often more close to you as you expect. By the way, how many slaves work for you? – No one, no idea? Be sure, there are working some. How many, you can find out here at – it’s really shocking and you would not belive.

Have a look at the following short video examples, which may bring the problem closer to you:

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end][/ezcol_1third_end]

The above three videos were courtesy by Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) and were produced by the MIRROR project, coordinated by Accem.

Therefore the General committee of the ICDS invites all Lay Salvatorians to celebrate this day as a common day of prayer and reflection. As suggestion we have prepared a

PRAYER SHEET in English and Spanish.

In addition, the GC wants to invite and motivate the unit leadership teams to get in mutual contact over our ICDS forum (section JPIC) or by email to discuss possibilities of support, cooperation, and sharing materials.

Maybe this can be a starting point or reminder for more cooperation between some units. Stand up and get into contact with others so our efforts against modern slavery may be blessed and we become more connected.