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Invitation: Meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe 2025

Dear Salvatorian Family

You will undoubtedly remember the advance notice regarding the planned meeting in Germany in 2025. The preparation team has been jampacked and is now sending out the official invitation with registration → see the link below. If you are interested, please get in touch with the organizers in Germany.


Communities of Salvatorian Laity in Germany

invite to a meeting of the Salvatorian laity in Europe in


Walking together with Jesus Christ“




Key data:

WHEN:May 29 – June 1, 2025
WHERE:Regina Pacis Conference Center in
D-88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu; Baden-Württemberg
WHO:Lay Salvatorians internationally, people interested in Salvatorian spirit and charism, and guests from the two other Salvatorian branches are very welcome.
COSTS:We have currently calculated a total cost of € 330 per person,
This includes accommodation with full board and coffee breaks, the supporting program, and the costs for the two speakers. A solidarity fund will be set up to ensure that no one cannot participate for financial reasons.



Registration Form



Lay Salvatorians Tanzania – WELCOME!

As you can read in our post from yesterday already, the ICDS is very happy to welcome our new sisters and brothers in Tanzania. Some Lay Salvatorians from the US have guided the development process over a long time and supported them with materials, were also present at the ceremony. Here is their story and report (→ click on the picture below to open the document)



Speeches from Recognition day – 4



With the words of His Eminence Kevin Joseph Cardinal Farrell at the recognition ceremony at the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, we conclude our series on important and historic speeches of that day. I hope that even if you could not be present in person, you can still feel a little of the moving and joyful feeling of the event.

May the Cardinal’s blessing always continue in our hearts and become a blessing for the whole Salvatorian Family.





Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Speeches from Recognition day – 3

This posting includes the speech by Superior General Sr. Maria Yaneth Moreno SDS from the Mass of Thanksgiving on February 8. The theme: A special moment …




Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Speeches from Recognition day – 1

The day of our recognition was accompanied by some important and motivating speeches. Since many Lay Salvatorians did not have the opportunity to be present at the ceremonies themselves, and the sound quality of the recordings is not always well understood, we would like to give you the opportunity to glean them here at your leisure.
We start with the speech of the ICDS president Christian Patzl after he received the decree documents from the hands of Cardinal Farrell.



Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Ceremony of recognition at the Dicastery

Yesterday, February 8. 2023, on the World Day of Prayer against Trafficking in Persons, the International Community of the Divine Savior received the Decree of Recognition from the Holy See. It was a very special and historic day for the entire Salvatorian Family and we were very happy and filled with joy that the Generalates and representatives of all the branches of the Salvatorian Family were present to celebrate with us. What a great day!

You will find more at the Webpage of the Dicastery or below





Expanding Salvatorian Family commission meeting

The members of the Commission “Expanding of the Salvatorian Family” met this week in Rome at the Mother House of the Salvatorian Society. On the agenda was the preparation of a proposal for the upcoming General Chapters and the General Assembly. The topic is to find out a possible structure and/or criteria to implement also other types of groups that want to commit themselves to the Salvatorian vision of Blessed Francis Jordan. At this meeting also the leaders of the current three Salvatorian branches shared time with the commission to see how the work develops and give one or another input or remark.
Of course, furthermore, this meeting gave the opportunity for informal meetings to the representatives of the Generalates and some persons from several units.

Annual retreat in Congo 2022

Last weekend, the lay Salvatorians in Congo gathered for a retreat. The theme was an overview of Salvatorian Spirituality, Charism, Identity as Lay Salvatorians, and Salvatorian Mission. For those who are interested, the presentation in French used for this purpose is available in the ICDS-Forum.
Fr. ANDRÉ KONGOLO preached on the theme, “the lay Salvatorian facing his promises”. Deogratias Kitoko, the unit coordinator, wrote, that it was a good and inspiring meeting.

Salvatorian Family: JPIC International Online-Meetings

An invitation to all Salvatorian Family members

At the end of July, an important step in the cooperation of the Salvatorian Family will take place and needs your support and possible attendance. A three days online conference is planned covering different topics and we invite you to sign in for it. The conferences respect as good as possible the different time zones of each unit. It would be a good sign to be present at least in one of it to show our all Salvatorian unity and close mutual relationship of the three Salvatorian branches. Furthermore, the topics of the conference are of importance for our worldwide Salvatorian mission of today. Each Salvatorian unit is part of the whole and gets in touch with these topics. The international Salvatorian Commission for Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) made a prophetic commitment at their last assembly: “To realize and awaken the awareness of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and to respond to the calls of the Gospel of Jesus the Saviour, in defence of human dignity, which recreates fraternity, promoting more respect for all divine creation”.

We can see the effects of the imbalance of these concerns all over the world. Whether it is access to clean water or air to breathe, the equitable distribution and payment of raw materials, supply chains, intermediary trade, labour exploitation and migration, or the many armed conflicts with global implications. We all also need to become more and more aware of man-made climate change with its catastrophic effects – and every one of us can do our part to prevent this world from plunging into the abyss. The world would have enough resources for all of us, but it does not have enough to satisfy our greed!

We are called to make our contribution to the preservation of creation. God gave us this world to live in and to keep it, but not to exploit and sell it.

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Sign up to the email contacts on the posters to get the access data, please. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

Stay well. God bless you.


A short version of the Beatification

Giuseppe Rogolino, our Lay Salvatorian in Rome, made a fine summary video of the Beatification ceremony. Enjoy it …

Pay special attention to the final scene, and write what you saw.

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