It is Advent and we look at a school class somewhere in the middle of Europe. At the weekend there was a program on TV: “The Wonders of the World” and the teacher had asked the children to watch it if it were possible. Nearly all of them had followed the invitation and at school they talked intensively about the glory, immensity and wonder of what they had seen. Therefore the teacher asked the children to make a personal list of the items that impressed them most.
Only after a short time most of them had finished their list and the ranking was exratordinary:
The pyramids of Gizeh, Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon, and so on.
As the angles heralded the birth of the king of the world in the stable of Bethlehem to the shepherds each of them looked for a likely present that he could bring to the child in the manger.
„I am going to bring him a little lamp!“ one of them said. “I take a pitcher of fresh milk!” another one stated. “And I will get him a warm plaid that prevents him from being cold!” a third shouted.
Among the shepherd there also was a lad. He was really poor, Continue Reading