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Category: Celebrations

Salvatorian St. Valentine’s message 2018

How quick the time goes by … St. Valentine’s is on the calendar again. You know already that we started in the last years some communication impulse within the ICDS = Lay Salvatorians worldwide community. – Yes? – No?

However – the most of you know that people of many countries celebrate the feast of St. Valentine on February 14th. It’s often not a day of vacation but many persons give presents of love to others who are in their hearts. The legend behind you can read on Wikipedia in several languages.

Maybe someone will say now, St. Valentine’s is not a Salvatorian feast – that’s right, in the first view. But if you read in the lines of Fr. Jordans diary and also in his chapter speeches you will find something like that:

“Treat your neighbors with the same love as if he were Christ himself.”

And not at least with that

“Others will be attracted to join in our community,
if they see how love reigns here.”

the universal call to LOVE to your next and especially to the sisters and brothers within the own Salvatorian community is to recognize. Therfore feel invited to set a sign of mutual love on this day to your Lay Salvatorian sisters and brothers. The General Committee of the ICDS took this date to improve our worldwide communication. We invite all Lay Salvatorians and certainly all members of the Salvatorian family to participate in this action of brotherly/sisterly friendship and love.

What to do? – Send a short message to someone you know in the Salvatorian family. Or much better be to someone you have only an address, but do not be in constant contact – e.g. someone from another continent. Give a little “hello from …” and include in the message a line or verse of a psalm or a text you like – or maybe  a short prayer. If you want, you can include the picture of St. Valentine from this posting.

That all may discover and experience God’s love and the one whom you sent …

Salvatorian St. Valentine’s message 2017



Maybe you remember on this action from last years. People of many countries celebrate the feast of St. Valentine on February 14th. It’s often not a day of vacation but they give presents of love to others who are in their hearts. The legend behind you can read on Wikipedia in several languages.

We from the General Committee of the ICDS took this date to improve our worldwide communication. We invite again all Lay Salvatorians and certainly all members of the Salvatorian family to participate in this action of brotherly/sisterly friendship and love. So there are two possibilities to participate.  →
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February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking + modern slavery

The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General has designated February 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000.

On February 8, Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services to create greater awareness about this phenomenon. Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, but also comfort, strengthen, and help empower survivors.

Many Salvatorians over the world (religious and lay) are working in this field in several units. It’s necessary  that all people get the awareness about this serious crime, to free this modern slaves and end modern slavery.

The General committee of the ICDS invites all Lay Salvatorian to celebrate this day as a common day of prayer and reflection. As suggestion we have prepared a

PRAYER SHEET in English and Spanish.


May our efforts against modern slavery be blessed and become more connected.

25th Anniversary of Lay Salvatorians in Italy

pdf-js_2016-12-06_10-12-54Very belated we got the message of the 25th Anniversary of the Italian Lay Salvatorians. They celebrated on 11 OCT 16, the traditional Salvatorian Feastday of the Mother of the Savior.  Several members of the three branches of the Salvatorian Family gathered at Monte Tabor outside of Rome. Fr. Raúl Gómez Ruiz, Vicar General, represented the Generalate and the Motherhouse community. The celebration included the Eucharist presided by Most Rev. Augusto Lojudice, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, followed by a festive lunch. Congratulations and ad multos annos!


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Visiting Congo

Image1With 3 Belgian Lay Salvatorians we went from May 24 to June 19, 2016 to the Congo. I visited Congo as a representative of the ICDS (→ International Committee of the Divine Sevior).

A delegation of fathers, sisters and lay people had picked us up at the airport. We drove to the ‘ Avenue Kinkondja, where we stayed at the fathers house. Once there, we got a pleasant surprise. The executive committee of the Salvatorian Laity of Lubumbashi cooked a nice meal to welcome us.
After an exuberant greeting, which indicated that they were pleased with our visit.

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25 anniversary of Lay Salvatorians of Colombia

13932959_1769305283328716_6317352571277369034_nThe Lay Salvatorians of Colombia had a big reason to celebrate a spectacular common event on the weekend of August 13th – 15th, 2016 – the 25th anniversary! The topic of the event was: “Memory, prophecy and identity, a challenge for Lay Salvatorians today.”

Here some original statements from postings on facebook to this event by Olga Hurtado:

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News from the Phillipines

Renewal of commitment of Lay Salvatorians

In the SDS-Newsletter of Philippine Region Issue 30 the following entry was to read:

Last June 18, 2016 was the renewal of Commitment of our Lay SDS namely Anna Liza Esguerra and Josephine Flores. This is another new beginning a commitment to live the words through their SDS Identity and Spirituality by their Mission.  It was done within the Holy Mass   presided over by Fr. Vara Prasad Rao, SDS. It was attended by the Sisters of the Divine Savior Community and the candidates for Lay SDS.   The men and women who want to live their lives according to Gospel values and who share the apostolic mission and spirituality of the Salvatorians.  They come together once a month for their formation.   Fr. Jordan said, “Do not rest content until all know, love and serve Jesus as their Savior”.

The Lay Salvatorians Renewalists: Anna and Josie with Fr. Prasad, SDS; Sr. Alona, SDS & other Lay Salvatorians

The Lay Salvatorians Renewalists: Anna and Josie with Fr. Prasad, SDS; Sr. Alona, SDS & other Lay Salvatorians

A big THANK YOU to the Salvatorian brothers and sisters!


Salvatorian St. Valentine’s message 2016


Maybe you remember on this action from last year. People of many countries celebrate the feast of St. Valentine on February 14th. It’s often not a day of vacation but they give presents of love to others who are in their hearts. The legend behind you can read on Wikipedia in several languages.

We from the General Committee of the ICDS took this date to improve our worldwide communication, especially in this year, in the mirror of the year of mercy. We invite again all Lay Salvatorians and certainly all members of the Salvatorian family to participate in this action of brotherly/sisterly friendship and love. So there are two possibilities to participate. The first is the same as 2015 →

  • Send a short message to other members in the Salvatorian family you have an address, but do not be in constant contact – e.g. someone from another continent – and include in the message a line or verse of a psalm or a text you like – or maybe also a short prayer.

And now the second new one which is an invitation to participate in a “paper chase” on the Internet to learn to know other units over their website. Follow the instructions and marvel about the things which are awaiting you →

We hope that you have enjoyed this little journey and we will see us again next year on St. Valentine’s day again to visit other “Salvatorian homes” at the internet. We would like to get a little feedback if possible to ALL THE BEST AND MANY THANKS!



Tal vez recuerdes esta actividad desde el año pasado. Las personas de muchos países celebran la fiesta de San Valentín el 14 de febrero. No es un día de vacaciones, pero se entregan regalos de amor a aquellos que están en nuestros corazones. La leyenda detrás de esta fiesta se puede leer en Wikipedia en varios idiomas.

Nosotros desde la Comité General (CG) de la Comunidad Internacional del Divino Salvador (CIDS) escogimos esta fecha para mejorar nuestra comunicación en todo el mundo, especialmente en este año, en el espejo del año de la misericordia. Invitamos nuevamente a todos los Laicos Salvatorianos y ciertamente a todos los miembros de la Familia Salvatoriana a participar en esta acción de amistad fraternal y amor. Así que hay dos posibilidades de participar. La primera es la misma que 2015:

  • Envía un mensaje corto a otros miembros de la Familia Salvatoriana de quienes tengas una dirección, pero no estás en contacto permanente – por ejemplo, alguien de otro continente – e incluye en el mensaje una línea o verso de un salmo o un texto que te guste – o tal vez, también una breve oración.

Y ahora una nueva segunda forma de participar que es una invitación a participar en un “juego de pistas” en Internet para aprender a conocer a otras unidades más a través de sus páginas web. Sigue las instrucciones y descubre las cosas que te están esperando.

Esperamos que les haya gustado este pequeño viaje y nos encontraremos de nuevo el año que viene el día de San Valentín de nuevo para visitar otros “Hogares Salvatorianos” en internet. Nos gustaría obtener un poco de retroalimentación si es posible a través del email: ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!


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Closing of the Salvatorian Missionary Year

MY_progress150-1On the evening of December 7th, 2015 the Salvatorian Missionary Year was closed by several events around the world. It was a  humbling experience to be present at the event in the motherhouse of the Society of the Divine Savior in Rome.

An informative exhibition about the life of the founder Fr. Francis Jordan was opened in the corridor of the first floor in the motherhouse. You can view some photographs in our gallery.