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Category: Celebrations

Lay Salvatorians international – 30th anniversary


30 years ago, on May 14 – 19, 1990, a mixed international group of Salvatorian fathers, sisters and laity met in Rome for the first time to discuss the real possibility of establishing the Salvatorian Family. There were already some units with local forms of a “Salvatorian Family” group, but these were not everywhere and did not exist at the international level. Continue Reading

For the birthday of Mother Mary

Good morning on such a nice sunny day 🙂

186 years ago Mother Maria was born. A long time and yet her life radiates charism to this day – and still influences us.
She was a strong woman, who steadfastly seeked her way. That was certainly not easy for her at that time. She broke some conventions in her search for the right place in life. The repeated joining and leaving of several religious congregations were very courageous steps – facing the gossips of the people in the area was certainly not an easy way for her. And in a similar way also for her family, who also had to endure this chatter. Nevertheless, she was supported by them in her search, and they gave her strength and security.
For me, she is a role model for the unwavering quest to find the right path through life and not to worry too much about the gossip of others. Reflection and confirmation I receive in the conversation with God and our Salvatorian community, in which her work is still noticeable. It is our Salvatorian community that supports me and gives me the strength to seek and find my way. I hope you can experience this as well. Each of our paths is unique and different – but together we go into the same direction. In openness and tolerance for our different ways, we assist each other to make the love of God sensible for others.

Happy Birthday, dear Mother Mary!

First assembly of the Salvatorian Family of Colombia

La Familia Salvatoriana de Colombia realizó su primera asamblea y dio un fuerte signo de vida. La Familia Salvatoriana de Colombia realizó su primera asamblea y dio un fuerte signo de vida. Se elaboró ​​una declaración que nos llamaba saber incluso algunas cosas más interesantes para el futuro.

Declaración de la Familia Salvatoriana Colombiana 2018

ICDS General Assembly – midterm review

The Gerneral Assembly has arraived at it’s halfway point. The atmosphere in the group is fantastic, each one has the joy to communicate and to share with one another  – and not at least the common joy to be at this event!

The reports which were given have shown how much the ICDS has moved forward and has grown in the past six years. Presentations about community building and formation gave new perspectives on how we could deepen the community on all levels. Following this, thoughts about possible cooperations between units based on the apostolates which are already in action there (building synergies) were shared. The future could become very interesting and fruitful …

You can find more details here.

Easter message 2018

Read the Easter message of the ICDS General committee here.


O Lord,
Risen, alive and full of grace.
You paid such a price that we may live in freedom today.
We worship your holy name and give thanks for your redeeming grace.

Heavenly Father,
May we drink in your tender love so that we can pour this love out to others.
Come reign in our hearts, minds and spirits.

Holy Spirit,
We welcome you to blow through our every word, action and thought.
Come transform us on the inside so that each day we become more like our risen Lord.




Read here the letter to the units from our Vice – President
– topic:
Easter – thoughts: “Risen indeed … ?!”
Spanish: needs to be translated