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Category: Celebrations

Video about the pact of Blessed Francis Jordan


This video shares three perspectives from members of the Salvatorian Family on “The Pactum“ of Blessed Francis Jordan. The Pactum is the covenant that Blessed Jordan made with God. It grounded him in his commitment to do God’s will in founding the apostolic mission of the Salvatorians. This video is to help viewers explore and reflect on their own personal pact with God.


Unfortunately, this video is spoken only in English. But fortunately, YouTube allows us to insert subtitles in your preferred language. Please read the following instructions:
  1. look for the black bar below the screen:
  2. simply go to the icon „CC“ and click on it – you will see a red underline. 
  3. Then immediately click on the icon with the „Gear wheel“  and then you see „auto-translate” and click on it. Then you will see a list of languages – choose your language.

With this message, the General Committee of the ICDS wishes you all a blessed and enriching Foundation Day!

30. Anniversary Salvatorian Laity in Bad Wurzach

On the weekend around 17th September, a group of Austrian Lay Salvatorians traveled to Bad Wurzach in Baden Würtenberg (South Germany). The group of lay Salvatorians based there was celebrating its 30th anniversary. It was a very joyful and beautiful reunion with Salvatorian brothers and sisters whom we had last seen before the Corona epidemic.

During the festive mass on Sunday, the group with Rosemarie Böcherer and Albrecht Klein gave a short review of the past time:

Already at the first meeting of about 20 people, they showed a great need to exchange questions of faith and life, for mutual support in the everyday challenges in the family, at work, in their own environment, also in their own church community. After a period of ups and downs, membership has now settled at around 30. The group grew out of the endeavor to see themselves as sisters and brothers and to live in a „fraternal Church“ – in the community of Salvatorian lay people and in the „Salvatorian Family“, which consists of lay people, Salvatorian Sisters, and Fathers/Brothers. Continue Reading

Speeches from Recognition day – 4



With the words of His Eminence Kevin Joseph Cardinal Farrell at the recognition ceremony at the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, we conclude our series on important and historic speeches of that day. I hope that even if you could not be present in person, you can still feel a little of the moving and joyful feeling of the event.

May the Cardinal’s blessing always continue in our hearts and become a blessing for the whole Salvatorian Family.





Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Celebremos juntos – Let’s celebrate together

The national coordination team of Lay Salvatorians Colombia wants to share with you this invitation with the purpose of celebrating as a global Salvatorian family (priests, religious, and laity) the recent recognition of the Church to the lay branch.
Let’s celebrate in common a day of joy and thankfulness, forgetting our cultural, mentality, and language barriers. Let’s simply have joy in our Lay Salvatorian branch as part of the Salvatorian Family.
We encourage you to meet together on this day and have a common toast for this event that fills with joy the Family of the Divine Savior.


El equipo de coordinación nacional de Laicos Salvatorianos Colombia quiere compartir con ustedes esta invitación con el fin de celebrar como familia Salvatoriana global (sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos) el reciente reconocimiento de la Iglesia a la rama laical.
Celebremos en común un día de alegría y agradecimiento, olvidando nuestras barreras culturales, de mentalidad y de idioma. Simplemente tengamos alegría en nuestra rama Laica Salvatoriana como parte de la Familia Salvatoriana.
Les animamos a reunirse en este día y brindar en común por este acontecimiento que llena de alegría a la Familia del Divino Salvador.



Para conectarte dale clic en la imagen o aquí:

¡No olvides tu copa para festejar! Un abrazo en Jesucristo, Salvador.


To connect click on the image or here:

Don’t forget your glass to celebrate! A hug in Jesus Christ, Savior.

Speeches from Recognition day – 3

This posting includes the speech by Superior General Sr. Maria Yaneth Moreno SDS from the Mass of Thanksgiving on February 8. The theme: A special moment …




Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

Speeches from Recognition day – 2

This posting includes the homily by Superior General Fr. Milton Zonta SDS from the Mass of Thanksgiving on February 8. The theme: Salvatorians – Apostles in the World




Note: If the translation does not quite meet your expectations, please take into account that the translations into the different languages were made with the Deepl translation tool. Therefore, possible errors cannot be completely excluded.

April 22: Earth day 2022

Despite the awareness that we have many seemingly more important problems, we must not ignore this year’s Earth Day. The importance of this day is also repeatedly underlined by Pope Francis, because whoever does not respect and persecute creation, also does not persecute and respect God. Even if the reading of the encyclical „Laudato si‘ “ may be difficult for some, it is still important to deal with it, because we only have this one world and must also keep it habitable for future generations.

Reflecting on Earth Day, Cardinal Michael Czerny explains why the Church and Pope Francis care so greatly about the Earth, and laments „menacing failures“ which make action to protect the environment „urgent.“ See here the full article.

As Salvatorians, we have committed ourselves in the Salvatorian Charter to protect life as such and to work to make life abundant for all creatures. May this day always be a small reminder to us.


Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Beatification celebrations life-stream transmission

Next weekend the beatification ceremonies of Fr. Francis will take place in Rome. So that even all Lay Salvatorians have the opportunity to be present at these important moments of the Salvatorian Family, a lifestream transmission via the Internet will be established. Find the necessary information below in your language.


Celebraciones de la beatificación transmisión de la corriente vital

El próximo fin de semana tendrá lugar en Roma la ceremonia de beatificación del P. Francisco. Para que también todos los laicos salvatorianos tengan la oportunidad de estar presentes en estos importantes momentos de la Familia Salvatoriana, se establecerá una transmisión en vivo vía Internet. A continuación encontrará la información necesaria en su idioma.





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Remarks about the Beatification ceremony of Fr. Francis Jordan

The General Committee has discussed and consulted about the possibilities and realities of the planned beatification ceremony. See the result in the letter below.

GC letter Beatification English


El Comité General ha debatido y consultado sobre las posibilidades y realidades de la ceremonia de beatificación prevista. Véase el resultado en la carta que figura a continuación.

Carta de beatificación del CG en español