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Author Archives: Christian

Advent – a time of contemplation and for new evangelization

Dr. Rowan Williams, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, addressed the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican about the central role of contemplation in helping people rediscover the beauty of the Christian faith.

Drawing deeply on the writings of some of the great Catholic authors and theologians from the time of the Second Vatican Council, Continue Reading

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The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary – August 15th

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The custom of blessing herbs

Already the old Germans collected the most important medicinal herbs – done mostly by women in the middle of the summer . In our faith we should recognize that in all plants inhabits HEALING POWER of God’s creative force.

On  August 15th  in many Christian churches the Solemnity of the Assumption of MARIA  is celebrated. In this festival it is clear that the heavens are open to all people. Or rather, not only us but the entire cosmos.

“… that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now … (cf. Letter of St. Paul to the Christians in Rome – in 58 AD)

Why herbs are blessed?

Bless means to promise each other and of creation:
IT’S GOOD (Latin: benedicere)

Because we trust in God, the Creator, that He EVERYTHING – people, animals, plants, the entire cosmos – from the ground has created good, we express in the blessed bushes of herbs our gratitude. Thus, we praise and glorify God for His GOODNESS!

Together, we are pleased with each other through the wonderfully fragrant variety and beauty! A THANK YOU to ALL who collect herbs all year round and make them available for further processing!

Text by Inge Weik CDS and Sr. Heidrun Bauer SDS



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feedback required …

Hello together,

after a few days that the newsletter is online, I would like to ask you how the translation on this page works – what are your experiences, what should be made better …

From a Polish speaking woman I got the feedback, that the translation is – put it mildly – TERRIBLE! So I would like to know if it is a way to go forward with this newsletter or better to look for an other (maybe the former traditional) way for the translation.

Let me know, please.

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Lay Salvatorian prayer chain new

Many of you know the ICDS prayer chain. In the past it was sometimes very hard to get always new requests, thanks or personal prayers to share. One of the barriers and big challenge is always the language and the translations. Now, we try to publish it with a new face and more possibilities for the language.

We know that the translations are not perfect – ” what you say by translated words, is not always that what you want to say with your mother tongue” –  but in this special case it’s necessary to use also your heart to hear and speak (→ write). And our hope is also grounded in the educability of the used internet language modules.

However – the actual issue  of the Lay Salvatorian prayer chain is published.

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ICDS-update Newsletter in a new design

This is the newsletter page of the Community of the Divine Savior, or better use the short name – Lay Salvatorians. We try to publish a newsletter  3 or 4 times per year. It depends on the news that we get from the units all over the world. Christmas, Easter and Whitsun are the main times of the newsletter and also at the beginning of September.

So – here could be the place of YOUR news of your Salvatorian life. It’s open …

For news leave a reply, please.

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25th anniversary Lay Salvatorians in Austria and Europe


It’s hard to believe, but 2013 we are able to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Lay Salvatorians in Austria and Europe. 1988 a group of three couples made their first commitment at the cathedral of Gurk/Carinthia. We think this is a good occasion to come together for a meeting and share our experiences and motivate young or initiate new units for the Lay Salvatorian project.

Date: June 13th – 16th, 2013 (→ 165. birthday of Fr. Jordan)
Location: Vienna
Topic: A VISION – Lay Salvatorians  – yesterday – today – tomorrow
Program: Initiators and beginners from the European units tell about their experiences, challenges, the reality, visions and possibilities for the future.

A detailed invitation is in preparation.

We are looking forward to welcome Salvatorians, Lay Salvatorians and interested persons there!!!

The Community of the Divine Savior CDS / Lay Salvatorians – Austria

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