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Veni, Creator Spiritus

Veni, Creator Spiritus,
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gratia,
quae tu creasti pectora.

Qui diceris Paraclitus,
donum Dei altissimi,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas,
et spiritalis unctio.

Tu septiformis munere,
dextrae Dei tu digitus,
tu rite promissum Patris,
sermone ditans guttura.

Accende lumen sensibus,
infunde amorem cordibus,
infirma nostri corporis
virtute firmans perpeti.

Hostem repellas longius,
pacemque dones protinus:
ductore sic te praevio,
vitemus omne noxium.

Per te sciamus, da, Patrem,
noscamus atque Filium,
te utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.

Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio, qui a mortuis
surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula.


– Blessed Rabanus Maurus, OSB B (AC)
Born at Mainz, Germany, c. 776-784; died at Winkel, Germany, 856.

A text for reflection
from the Salvatorian Charter:

Lived in the real world, our personal and communal spirituality is rooted in our experience of God the Father. Jesus Christ, who came to give life to all, is the Source and the Center of our spirituality. With Mary, His mother, we bear to others the Savior we have come to know ourselves. The Holy Spirit guides and enlightens us along the way.


May the holy spirit come to all of us
and take place in all parts of our life
– this we wish all of you

The General Committee
of the Int’l Community of the Divine Savior

Meeting of animators and community coordinators in Bogota – Colombia

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From 5 to 7 April a meeting of animators and community coordinators was held in Bogota, the capital of Colombia.The event had an excellent turnout, encouragement, cooperation and willingness to contribute to the growth of the Lay Salvatorian (CDS) movement in Colombia.
A big THANK to all participants for your contributions, dynamism and willingness!
A hug



Los Provinciales de las Religiosas y Religiosos en Colombia así como la Coordinación Nacional de los Salvatorianos Laicos han unido esfuerzos en este año, para fortalecer los vínculos de fraternidad y unidad de  la Familia Salvatoriana, para ello se organizó el RETIRO DE LA FAMILIA SALVATORIANA, estudiamos los tres primeros documentos elaborados por el Padre MILTON ZONTA sobre la DECLARACION DE LA FAMILIA SALVATORIANA. Esta Actividad se ha desarrollado en cada una de las ciudades en las que hay presencia de los Salvatorianos así:

En Bogotá  El 19 y 20 de enero de 2013 se llevó a cabo en la Villa Salvatoriana (casa de las Hermanas, en Chía), con cerca de 30 participantes de las tres ramas . Fue un evento productivo, rico en expresiones constructivas, alegre, fraterno, del que surgen inquietudes y planes para el futuro. Es evidente que nuestra Familia Salvatoriana está llena de esperanzas, oportunidades y deseos de trabajar por el reino.

También se ha propuesto el desarrollo de una misa SALVATORIANA al mes,  con la participación activa de la Familia estas son alguna fotos de esta eucaristías:


La Coordinación Nacional de Salvatorianos Laicos de Colombia celebró en Bogotá, el 19 y 20 de Marzo de 2013, la reunión de los Coordinadores y Animadores de comunidad de todas las ciudades, con la participación activa del equipo asesor conformado por cuatro religiosos y tres religiosas, en esta reunión se tomaron decisiones de las actividades que durante el año se adelantaran en capacitación, pastoral y fraternidad en las comunidades a nivel nacional. Este es el grupo que asistió a esta reunión





PS: Thanks to OLGA LUCIA HURTADO, who sent us this news!

A blessed feast of Easter


Through the resurrection of Jesus
God has redeemed us and made us his children.

May God bless us with joy.

Our Redeemer has given us lasting freedom.

May we inherit everlasting life.

By faith, we rose with Jesus in baptism.

May our lives be holy,
so that we will be united with Jesus for ever.

May almighty God bless us,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

See the here the Easter greetings  of the Gerneral Committee.

Merry Christmas – The Tale of the Christmas Candle …

Image2As the angles heralded the birth of the king of the world in the stable of Bethlehem to the shepherds each of them looked for a likely present that he could bring to the child in the manger.

„I am going to bring him a little lamp!“ one of them said. “I take a pitcher of fresh milk!” another one stated. “And I will get him a warm plaid that prevents him from being cold!” a third shouted.

Among the shepherd there also was a lad. He was really poor, Continue Reading

Advent – a time of contemplation and for new evangelization

Dr. Rowan Williams, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, addressed the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican about the central role of contemplation in helping people rediscover the beauty of the Christian faith.

Drawing deeply on the writings of some of the great Catholic authors and theologians from the time of the Second Vatican Council, Continue Reading

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