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A warm WELCOME to our new units !

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Today – on December 8th, 2014 we have the joy to tell you that 9 persons made their first commitment to the ICDS at Guatemala, yesterday. They had a good preparation to take on this important step in their life – some of them about 4 years. They were guided by a Lay Salvatorian originally from Spain who is working in the Salvatorian mission in Guatemala.

Also in Malaysia is a new group of Lay Salvatorians living, educated by Salvatorian sisters. They made their first commitment in September, during the presence of Fr. Mario Agudelo SDS.

Let’s take them into our prayers and welcome in our Salvatorian Family. It’s really a joy to see such joyful faces in our rows.


May the Lord always be upon you and guide you on your life way,
following the Salvatorian mission.

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Image1The International Community of the Divine Savior (ICDS), as well both Generalates, the Society (SocDS) and the Congregation (ConDS), declared 2015 the YEAR OF THE SALVATORIAN MISSION, celebrating the first Salvatorian Mission of the SDS to Assam, India 125 years ago. At the same time, Pope Francis called the year 2015 the YEAR OF THE CONSECRATED LIFE.

Here some remarks for these two special celebrations:[1]

Next year we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the sending of the first Salvatorian missionaries to Assam as well as the 125th anniversary of the death of Fr. Otto Hopfenmüller and the 25th anniversary of the resumption of the Salvatorian mission in Assam. These events have led us to proclaim 2015 as the Salvatorian Missionary Year under the motto “The Savior’s Mission is our Passion”.

We wish to invite everyone to participate in this time of grace, which will promote the missionary spirit at the personal, community and congregational level for all the members of the Salvatorian Family. Furthermore, Pope Francis has proposed the celebration of the Year for Consecrated Life from the first Sunday of Advent 2014 to 2 February 2016. This suggests, therefore, that mission and consecration ought to go hand in hand in the life of every Salvatorian.

Why two invitations at the same time? – Which one should we give our attention to?

We think that the Holy Spirit has given us these two awesome ideas to combine not to choose one over the other:

  • We are one Salvatorian Family and we want to: Thank the Divine Savior, before anything else, for the history of our mission and the unity of the Salvatorian Family”.
  • We want to evangelize with Salvatorian charism and: “Recall the first Salvatorians who understood the missionary charism of Fr. Jordan”
  • We as Lay Salvatorians dedicate our lives to deepen our baptismal commitment to make Jesus Christ known to all the world by all ways and means that He inspires us.
  • We want to: Revive the missionary fire of our Salvatorian identity within the Church and in the world at the personal and community level”, igniting our lives with Jordan´s spirituality, full of a missionary vision.

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on one’s own account

ICDS_WPMaybe you have seen that there are some new entries in our menu above now. Have you already tried it? No – then you should try it as soon as possible, please. You will have an access to ,

our Prayer Chain

 – where you can leave a prayer request and it will come on our next issue. If you want to add a prayer request immediately so contact our webmaster, please. It will be there then as soon as possible.

our Forum

where you get some information about Lay Salvatorians and you can participate on several discussions and topics. Feel invited!

our Gallery

where you can see some pictures of our last activities. If you want to add some so contact also our webmaster, please.

our Cafe Central

where you have a comfortable chat room for your communication. Make an appointment with your chat partner(s) and enjoy it. It’s a good possibility to meet also Lay Salvatorians from other regions and units.


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The flame of Pentecost

[ezcol_1half]Pfingsten13a[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]We light a candle
and enjoy the flickering light
the fragrance
and warmth it creates.
But without the spark that ignites
there will be no flame
Without the wax
the source of power
the wick will not burn
Without the flame
there will be no fragrance
no warmth, no light.
And so with us, Lord
You are the catalyst that ignites us
and the fuel that sustains us
You fill us with your fragrance
as you enter our lives.
You empower us
to carry your flame in our hearts
To be the fragrance, warmth
and light of your love
in this world[/ezcol_1half_end]

Each one is invited to be a burning candle in this world, but only a few are following this invitation. Come on – be one of them …

The Lord’s supper …




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The Lord’s supper is for us Christians at the same time liberation and empowerment. In it we find peace with God and peace within the community, in the family, with friends and like-minded people. Here we can experience and learn forgiveness of our sins and celebrate the beginning of a new coming world. It’s transformation and mission in new tasks. And it’s gratitude to the one God, from whom we have everything, who loves us all and wants to be close to us.
But it is also a reminder to us what we have, what is entrusted to us and we would have to share with others .


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Ash – dust – earth

Ash – dust  – earth

The stuff of which we humans are:
in our dreams and illusions
but in our corporeal reality.

God says to Adam,
the man par excellence:
You are dust,
and to dust you will return.

Ash dust earth
a brittle material
crumbling transitory poor

The mirror,
which is held up to us on this day,
shows us our starting point:
the lost paradise.

The other one,
he is held up to us in each Holy Mass,
shows us our target point:
the promised paradise.

reminds us of our poverty and transience
and the cross reminds us,
that especially the poor and mortal man
is called to be
Son of God, Daughter of God.

So the time of ashes, of repentance
leads us
to life to hope to joy.

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Merry Christmas – Feliz Navidad – A Christmas tale of our time …

Wonders of the World
(–> en español véase más adelante)

It is Advent and we look at a school class somewhere in the middle of Europe. At the weekend there was a program on TV: “The Wonders of the World” and the teacher had asked the children to watch it if it were possible. Nearly all of them had followed the invitation and at school they talked intensively about the glory, immensity and wonder of what they had seen. Therefore the teacher asked the children to make a personal list of the items that impressed them most.

Only after a short time most of them had finished their list and the ranking was exratordinary:

The pyramids of Gizeh, Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon, and so on.

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