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Author Archives: Christian

Supply and demand – to improve our cooperation

A big and until today unresolved issue is how we can improve our global cooperation. This cooperation across unit borders is one of the important orders for the positive recognition at the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life at the Vatican. Therefore we have established two sub-forums at “Activities” at the ICDS forum called “What is needed?” and “What can be offered“. There your unit can put in requests and/or offers to the whole community. Other units can start to get in contact with you if they have material to the requests, ideas for results or something else.

It is a starting point to improve and deepen our awareness about the ICDS and we want to invite you to this activity. We have already one offer there, which is waiting for a request. Don’t hesitate to use this equipment for the improvement of our community.


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Merry Christmas from the General Committee

This painting is connected with our Christmas tale of this year. See more about this painting “The Mystical Nativity” here in English and read here our CHRISTMAS TALE.

Esta pintura se conecta con nuestro cuento de la Navidad de este año. Vea más sobre esta pintura aquí en español “Natividad mística” y lea aquí nuestro CUENTO de la NAVIDAD. Continue Reading

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ICDS prayer chain – issue December 2016

Since a few days the actual issue of the

ICDS prayer chain

is online and you can find it with the link above.

If you have a concern for that you think it’s a need to be prayed,
don’t hesitate to tell us with a comment or a prayer request!

Click here, if you have a request!

Let’s pray in common for our concerns.

If you know a nice text of prayer and want to share it with the community leave it here as comment, please.


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25th Anniversary of Lay Salvatorians in Italy

pdf-js_2016-12-06_10-12-54Very belated we got the message of the 25th Anniversary of the Italian Lay Salvatorians. They celebrated on 11 OCT 16, the traditional Salvatorian Feastday of the Mother of the Savior.  Several members of the three branches of the Salvatorian Family gathered at Monte Tabor outside of Rome. Fr. Raúl Gómez Ruiz, Vicar General, represented the Generalate and the Motherhouse community. The celebration included the Eucharist presided by Most Rev. Augusto Lojudice, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, followed by a festive lunch. Congratulations and ad multos annos!


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Brazil: Salvatorian Family celebrating 30/80/120 years.

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Salvatorian presence in Brazil: priests and brothers 120 years; Sisters 80 years; Lay-Salvatorians 30 years. Mission is our passion! We praise and give thanks to God the Savior for the value of the first missionaries and the first missionaries who initiated the Salvatorian Mission in Brazil.

Presença Salvatoriana no Brasil: Padres 120 anos, Irmãs 80 anos, leigos/as 30 anos. A Missão é nossa Paixão! Louvamos e agradecemos a Deus Salvador pela coragem das primeiras Missionárias e dos primeiros missionários que iniciaram a missão Salvatoriana no Brasil.


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Retreat day of Lay Salvatorians – Austria

20161112_091100_800_x_600Thirteen members of the Lay Salvatorians of Austria met for a retreat day with following topics:

  • St. Martin of Tours – 1700 years anniversary – a short biography and report from a visitation of Tours (FR)
  • “When it is enough?” – Thoughts and discussion about the self-indulgence of today, which strategies could we use, to get out of the rat race.
  • “Time to thank” – for what do want to thank today.

It was a very spiritual event with good thoughts and talks.

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