As can be seen from a posting on ICDS- UPDATE (→ “Water is life”), a well is being built near the village of KULANDA in the province of HAUT KATANGA on the initiative of the local lay Salvatorians. The land on which the well is to be drilled has now been blessed by Fr. Jean Scheurs SDS. Other Salvatorians were present, as well as Salvatorian Sisters and 35 lay Salvatorians.
As can be read in the project description, the initiators are committed to the sustainable development of the project. This means that the water withdrawal will be regulated and that plantings will be made around the well. In the first step, 30 fruit seedlings (lemon and orange trees) were planted at the ceremony. 
If you would like to support this project, we would be very grateful for your help. Donations can be made to the ICDS account → AT23 1919 0001 0025 3467 at Schelhammer & Schattera –
Project “Water is Life”.

Here are some pictures:

image sources

  • 2: ©