The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has authorised the promulgation of the decree regarding the miracle attributed to the intercession of Father Francis Mary of the Cross (in secular life John Baptist) JORDAN, Founder of the Salvatorians.
Biographical data
Father Francis Jordan was born on 16 June 1848 in Gurtweil, a small town in the archdiocese of Freiburg (Germany). After ordination to the priesthood on 21 July 1878, he was sent to Rome, where he spent most part of his life. Motivated by the apostolic zeal and desire to make Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, known and loved by all people, everywhere, he founded the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians) in 1881 and the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Savior (Salvatorian Sisters) in 1888. He also organized groups of lay people to take part in the Church´s mission of evangelization using all ways and means. He died on 8 September 1918 in Tafers in Switzerland.
The miracle
A young couple that was expecting a baby in 2014 in Jundiai (Brazil), was informed by several medical doctors and specialists that their unborn child was suffering an incurable bone disease (skeletal dysplasia). Being members of a group of Lay Salvatorians, the parents began to pray through the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Francis Jordan, inviting other members of the Salvatorian Family to join them. The child was born in a completely healthy condition on 8 September 2014, the day of Fr. Francis Jordan´s death anniversary. After the required canonical procedures had been successfully completed, the Holy Father, Pope Francis declared that this miraculous healing was worked by God through the intercession of Fr. Francis Jordan.
Towards the beatification
The declaration of the Pope on 19 June 2020 finishes the process of the miracle and opens definitelly the way towards the beatification of Fr. Francis Jordan. As soon as the date and place of the beatification ceremony will be determined by the Holy See, we will announce it.

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