The Intern. Joint Charism Commission has prepared a reflection process to be used individually and in the communities, with a culminating reflection at a date  to be determined in each unit. Although reflections at length on the Charter of the Salvatorian Family were done, this process brings all Salvatorians back to the Charter because it is the most up-to-date statement of our common Identity. The appreciation of our Identity as a Salvatorian Family is a lifetime process that we have to revisit frequently and the Charter provides a good starting point.

The proposed reflection process moves through the Charter, chapter by chapter. Then, as a way to commemorate the centennial of Fr. Francis Jordan´s death, it culminates in a creative reflection on his Last Will and Testament. You will find the identity booklet for this process in several languages below:

charter reflection text_ENcharter reflection text_EScharter reflection text_PT
charter reflection text_FRcharter reflection text_PLcharter reflection text_DE
 charter reflection text_IT 
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