Valentin2People of many countries celebrate the feast of St. Valentine on February 14th. It’s often not a day of vacation but they give presents of love to others who are in their hearts. The legend behind you can read on Wikipedia in several languages.

We from the GC of the ICDS took this date to improve our worldwide communication, especially in the mirror of the Salvatorian missionary year. We invite all Lay Salvatorians and certainly all members of the Salvatorian family to participate on this action of brotherly/sisterly friendship and love. So there are two possibilities to participate:

  • Send a short message to other members in the Salvatorian family you have an address, but do not be in constant contact – e.g. someone from another continent – and include in the message a line or verse of a psalm or a text you like – or maybe also a short prayer.
  • Give a short comment here on this page below – also with a message, a line or verse of a psalm you like, or a short prayer or blessing.

 Let’s share our respect and love across the borders of our units, countries, mentalities, …

We wish you all a blessed feast of St. Valentine !


The GC of the ICDS



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