ICDS_WPMaybe you have seen that there are some new entries in our menu above now. Have you already tried it? No – then you should try it as soon as possible, please. You will have an access to ,

our Prayer Chain

 – where you can leave a prayer request and it will come on our next issue. If you want to add a prayer request immediately so contact our webmaster, please. It will be there then as soon as possible.

our Forum

where you get some information about Lay Salvatorians and you can participate on several discussions and topics. Feel invited!

our Gallery

where you can see some pictures of our last activities. If you want to add some so contact also our webmaster, please.

our Cafe Central

where you have a comfortable chat room for your communication. Make an appointment with your chat partner(s) and enjoy it. It’s a good possibility to meet also Lay Salvatorians from other regions and units.


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