As the angles heralded the birth of the king of the world in the stable of Bethlehem to the shepherds each of them looked for a likely present that he could bring to the child in the manger.
„I am going to bring him a little lamp!“ one of them said. “I take a pitcher of fresh milk!” another one stated. “And I will get him a warm plaid that prevents him from being cold!” a third shouted.
Among the shepherd there also was a lad. He was really poor, he did not own anything that he could use as a present for the child. Sadly he ran into the sheep stable and looked for something that possibly could make a present at the small corner that belonged to him. But there was not anything that only hardly maintained the semblance of a gift. In his misery he enlightened a small candle and sought in each chink and crack. But it was in vain. Hence he sat down in the middle of the floor. He was so sad that tears were running down his cheeks. He did not recognize that another shepherd entered the stable and stood in front of him. He was scared as the shepherd spoke to him: “ We are making various presents to the king of the world. But I think you have the most beautiful of all!”
The boy looked at him with tear-stained eyes. “I do not have anything!” he added with a faint voice.
Then the shepherd laughed and shouted: „Look at that lad! He is holding a shining candle in his hand and thinks he does not possess anything!”
“should I give this small candle to the child as a present?” the boy asked. “There is anything that is more beautiful!” the shepherd quietly answered.
The boy stood up, put his hand around the little flame to protect it and set out for the stable together with the other shepherds. As they arrived at the stable with all their presents it was dark and cold there. But when the boy entered the barn with his small candle a brightness and warmness spread out and everybody could see Mary and Josef and the child in the manger.
So the shepherd knelt down in front of the manger and worshipped the Lord of the world, the little child named Jesus. Afterwards they presented their gifts. The boy put his candle next to the manger and so he could see the brightness in Mary’s and Joseph’s eyes. “The little light is the most beautiful present!” the shepherds said quietly.
And everyone was delighted by the beautiful Christmas candle, which could even make that miserable stable warm and cozy. The boy felt how the warmness reached him and made him happier more and more. And then tears ran down his cheeks again. But now he cried because he felt so happy.
Till today people enlighten candles during Advent because they wait for Christmas and the little light gives them joy and safety.

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