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ICDS Way of the Cross – 2020/7

English EspañolDeutschVlaamsFrançais


Station 7: Jesus falls down under the cross for the second time




Collapsing …

“But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by everyone, despised by the people. All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads.” (Psalm 22,7-8)

The cruel brutality, the injustice, the ever more oppressive burden, the physical and probably also mental pain, make Jesus collapse a second time. How close Jesus is to us in his human fragility and vulnerability! The people around him stand there, looking, shouting, mocking, scolding. Some are affected, others are not, they appear to be curious, helpless, or happy not to be affected themselves. Continue Reading

ICDS Way of the Cross – 2020/3

English EspañolDeutschVlaamsFrançais


Station 3: Jesus falls down under the cross for the first time



Falling Down

“But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee, … they maliciously mocked; they gnashed their teeth at me.“ (Psalm 35,15-16)

People suffer some defeats in their lives. Instead of getting help from others, they get only the feeling of being a “total loser”. – Who of us has not “fallen” in life or seen someone else “fall”? – Is it right then to mock the one lying on the ground even further instead of reaching out to help him? – Perhaps we should understand these traps of Jesus as a sign of his solidarity with us. – “… he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found to be human in appearance, ” (comp. Phill 2:6-7)
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ICDS Way of the Cross – 2020/2

English EspañolDeutschVlaamsFrançais


Station 2: Jesus takes the cross on his shoulders



Bearing and Enduring

Jesus is forced to carry the crossbeam on which he is to be crucified. Without resisting, he carries it like the other two accused. Doesn’t this remind us of his earlier enigmatic message: “”Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me “? (comp. Matt 16:24)

Taking life as it is. – every human dreams of a bright future, of a fulfilled life. But the reality is different for most people. The words from above sound hard, they admonish us and do not invite us to take the easy way. Let us remember the pictures from the newspapers and news. – Sisters and brothers who are persecuted, humiliated, killed because of their race, their faith, their skin colour. – People who even today are traded like cattle, exploited and abused as modern slaves. – Children who have their lives taken away before it has even begun. – People who have to live in and with conflicts for which they themselves are not to blame. Continue Reading

ICDS Way of the Cross – 2020/1

English EspañolDeutschVlaamsFrançais


Station 1: Jesus becomes sentenced to death



Condemning …

Jesus becomes innocently sentenced. Pilate asks him, “What have you done?” Jesus answers: “I came into the world to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (comp. John 18:35-37)

How quick we are today with prejudices – especially against people who do not fit into our way of doing things and our lovely picture of how life should be. How often do we hear about slander, today also called “mobbing”, – or are perhaps even affected by it ourselves – as victims? – as confidants? – as perpetrators? Continue Reading