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Tagarchief: Communication

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld – 3

Community building

Even if there are local Salvatorian communities in several countries of the world, we must now find a common path to the future. We are now a Private Association of the Faithful dotted with juridical personality recognized by the dicastery of laity, familie, and life at the Vatican. This indicates leaving some fond and cherished practices and taking over and becoming familiar with some new ones. In particular, we need to pay more attention to becoming a true community.

ikn a true community, it’s not enough to meet on a superficial conversational level, make a little more than small talk, and leave out all the areas that really get to the heart of a person and bring us closer together. True communities have passed 4 phases: Lees verder

GC Letter of inspiration and motivation – December 2019


Beste leken-salvatorianen,
Please read the latest issue of our brief van inspiratie en motivatie hier. Our ICDS Vice-President Kenzia Drake van the United States has written something aboutThe importance of Community“.

Enjoy the letter and let us know what you think about it.

De leden van de GC van de ICDS

Inspiratiebrief en motivatie


Beste leken-salvatorianen:

Alstublieft, Lees hier de laatste editie van onze “Brief van inspiratie en motivatie”. Nuestra Vicepresidenta del ICDS, Kenzia Drake, de los Estados Unidos, ha escrito algo sobreLa importancia de la Comunidad“..

Disfruta de la carta y dinos lo que piensas al respecto.

De leden van het ICDS General Committee

Brief van inspiratie en motivatie

Beste leken Salvatorianen,
Het huidige nummer van onze Inspiraties- en motivatiebrief Je vindt hier. Unser ICDS-Vize-Präsident Kenzia Drake aus den USA hat etwas überDie Wichtigkeit der Gemeinschaft” geschreven.

Genießen Sie den Brief und lassen Sie uns wissen, was Sie davon halten.

De leden van de GC van de ICDS

Inspiraties- en motivatiebrief