Letter to Fr. Jordan on his Beatification
Dear Fr. Jordan,
You are an inspiration to all Salvatorians and their friends who are impacted by your humble beginnings. You light the way for all of us ~ past, present and future ~ to be directed by your vision and mission. You have given of yourself to blaze an unparalleled trail in the community for us to follow with trust.
Your Priests are Priests forever in the Order of Melchizedek to serve sacramentally and spiritually. Your Brothers are bound together to serve the peoples’ needs and the Church’s directives. Your Sisters serve the unfortunate and marginalized bringing joy and hope to hearts. Your Lay bring their families to the Eucharistic Table encountering Jesus. They are fed spiritually, so that they may serve and feed the hungry of heart.
Your respect of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and our Blessed Mother Mary deepens our love for Them and all the saints in Heaven. This empowers your commitment of service and miracles. Your light is never hidden under a bushel basket, for God’s light has shown through your human weakness.
Your books, especially your Diary, are devoured in our quest for bringing instruction forth to brighten the way of the continents. You embed in us values, purpose, mission, and zeal. We grow in maturation through the testimony of your perseverance
On this day in Rome, you are raised up as our founder, faithful priest, teacher, preacher, and now Blessed which furthers your inspiration. We rededicate ourselves to your international mission by going everywhere, lighting ways to a new challenge of beginnings. We will bring Our Divine Savior to the darkest corners of the world.
Norma Morrison SDS
Tucson, Arizona USA
May 2021


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