A beautiful Sunday morning somewhere, – Pentecost Sunday! Just walking home from the holy mass. A joyful celebration, meaningful hymns were sung by the choir and the highlight a rain of smelling petals from roses and Pentecost roses after the Gloria. Still excited I find my way through the park. Parents are playing with their children, young couples sitting in the lawn, seniors are meeting their neighbours, everybody is in a good mood.
Out of a sudden, the last words of the mass come to my mind: “Go, you are sent”
„Hello my friend, you are sent! Do you remember me?“ an inner voice appears and start to talk to me.
I think: „Me? You mean, me? – Is that a misunderstanding. What happens here now?“ – Quite a confrontation develops with a long-repressed inner „relative“ (R) …
I’m sent? To what? To whom? – I’m only a simple Christian, going to Church on Sunday, meet fine people and friends there …
(R): That’s all? – Go, you are sent! Is there not expected more?
Sent? – What does it mean: Sent?! – I am not an ancient apostle in a linen shirt and simple sandals, walking over the hills and sleeping somewhere like a homeless. What a curious image? – I live my life here and now in the 21. century. Life ticks differently today …
(R): Really? Does it? I have not recognized that until now?
Who are you anyway, talking to me? Where are you from? What do I envisage now? – Am I going crazy now?
(R): No, you are not crazy. I’m here for a very long time and will be here when you will be gone over a long time. I accompany each human, try to be close to him, but often they do negate me, I am unpleasant to them. Similarly, as you did until the words touched you.
I can understand that when you always appear so unexpectedly and out of nowhere and scare people. What’s the point anyway. I don’t believe in ghosts or other para-psychical tricks. Was there something in my breakfast?
(R): No, the breakfast was all right. But well, just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not here. As you can sense, I am here, I am in you and you perceive me.
Ok stop – It seems I’m probably a bit stressed and tired, should sleep more once again. Completely stupid, what’s going on in my mind?
(R): Don’t be worried! Simply remember Pentecost.
Pentecost? Pentecost, what does that mean now? Today, Pentecost is a fine spring weekend, we visit the Eucharist which is always festive and touching and then enjoy the fine time on this long weekend, maybe visit some relatives after Covid again or …
(R): You might be a good apostle?
I and an Apostle? – Hah, what a joke? What did I say before about sandals and so? Or should I knock on the doors of my neighbours and tell them the “Good News”, on which I believe only a little by myself? – At best, they would think I was crazy or from a disreputable cult or they would even call the police, take me to the doctors and a time in the drunk tank would be certain. What a stupid thought.
OK. Yes, I’m a Catholic and go to Church on Sunday, I greet the pastor and the notabilities of the parish, engage myself a little bit in one group there – from time to time.
(R): Couldn’t a little more be possible? There is still something slumbering in you and you have talents and like working with people, don’t you?
Yes, I do, but I don’t want to make myself important. It is enough that I am a Lay Salvatorian.
(R): A Lay Salvatorian? Were you simply invited by someone or did you recognize a vocation yourself?
A Vocation? – That’s something for the pastor, the priests, the religious and other holy people. I am a laity. What kind of vocation should that be, living a normal life?
(R): That is your vocation to a Lay Salvatorian. Someone who follows the spirit of Blessed Fr. Francis and Blessed Mother Mary. Someone who radiates into their surroundings, when at home, at their workplace, or any other activity – in normal life.
Someone who is carried by the Salvatorian charism and spirituality and strives to teach the goodness and kindness of the Saviour by all ways and means which the love of God inspires.
Well-spoken, but in reality, that’s not me. There is not a “shine of glory” behind my head.
(R): Are you sure? – I still see a little flame burning in your heart, full of love to God. And I know that you are in contact with him – when you think you are completely alone. I know you, and I also know the role you try to play.
Well. You are right, I should change that. – But what can I do as a single person? Can I change anything, improve the world in any way? I am far too insignificant for that, a nobody. And then, at best, a busybody who imagines things, a nutcase!
(R): Keep cool, body! Slow down! Remember on the Salvatorian Universality. It is sleeping but present also in you. Think about your talents, even if they seem so small and insignificant. They are your power, your tool to bring the spirit of the Salvatorian mission to others. Think and act in a way you are able to do. Don’t let you impress by the remarkable actions of others. Coming closer to such sometimes, you will recognize, they are not so impressive in reality. Therefore, trust in the small things you are able to do – but do it.
But there are enough other ones doing good things already. They don’t need me.
(R): Once again, are you sure? – Do you see all the needs and lacks in so many areas today, maybe here in your neighbourhood? – It is said that the range of Salvatorian involvement is wide, whether it is about social standards, medical care, education, or the protection of the environment and thus the preservation of the creation. The protection of the life willed by God and with that, the recognition of God and Jesus Christ is at the centre of all Salvatorian efforts. So, you are called …
Called? By whom?
(R): You have heard or read these words already, remember: “As long as there is one person on earth who does not know God and does not love Him above all things, you dare not allow yourself a moment’s rest.“
Of course, but how precisely does that touch me today, how does it belong to my present situation of life?
(R): Look at the increasing poverty, uprooting, displacement of persons and families, all kinds and forms of modern slavery, violence and degradation based on the colour of the skin or belonging to an ethnic. Have you recognized that so many people, man, women and children do not have the right or possibility to minimal social standards, like a simple roof above their heads, a bed to sleep in, clear and clean water, clean air to breathe, a minimum of education and with that a simple perspective for their life and surviving. – Maybe you should transform the words from above according to that …
And maybe one or another will ask you, why are you doing that. Then you can give him an answer …
From this point of view, I did not look at the facts. Thank you, that opened my eyes in a new direction. Now the lines of Pope Francis writings “Fratelli tutti” and “Laudato sii” get much more sense. – Pentecost is alive …


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- PraterHauptalle: © https://www.laysalvatorians.org/spiritual
- Whitsun15: © https://www.laysalvatorians.org/spiritual