O próprio Jesus lava os pés de seus discípulos e nos convida a um serviço humilde ao próximo:
“Quando eu, seu senhor e seu mestre, lavou os pés, vocês também devem lavar os pés uns dos outros. eu dei um exemplo; o que eu fiz por você, você também deve fazer” (John 13, 14-15).
Sentimos o mesmo que os apóstolos
who could sit as friends at the table with Jesus for the last time.
We want to come together because it was Jesus’ last will.
Because Jesus asked
as a mother on her deathbed asks her children:
“Promise me you’ll keep coming together,
even when I’m gone. “
Even though we can’t get together today
we feel a strong connection,
to reminisce and make plans for the future.
We bring glory to God
in connection with the whole world
When the bread was shared,
the disciples went with Jesus to the Gethsemane
Jesus went to pray
and he asked his friends to watch and pray.
They fell asleep up to three times
We want to make it quiet and dark
we want to watch and pray with Jesus tonight,
we want to watch and pray in the face of suffering
in our own world and in our own life,
in suffering in the big world.
We want to watch and pray
because we know that God listens to us
for his love is greater than we can imagine.
Rita van Olmen
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