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Time for conversion

from abundance to the necessary

from exaggeration to frugality

from wanting to be satisfied

from addiction to freedom


Time for conversion

from hypocrisy to sincerity

from narrow-mindedness to broad-mindedness

from self-righteousness to goodness

from arbitrariness to clarity

from fickleness to faithfulness


Time for conversion

from the I to the Thou

from alienation to closeness

from indifference to sympathy

from grievance to reconciliation

from hostility to peace


Time for conversion

from noise to silence

from hectic to pause

from impatience to serenity

from distraction to composure

from the surface to the essential

Tiempo de conversión

de la abundancia a lo necesario

de la exageración a la frugalidad

del deseo de tener a la satisfacción

de la adicción a la libertad


Tiempo de conversión

de la hipocresía a la sinceridad

de la estrechez de miras a la amplitud

del fariseísmo a la bondad

de la arbitrariedad a la claridad

de la inconstancia a la fidelidad


Tiempo de conversión

del yo al tú

del distanciamiento a la cercanía

de la indiferencia a la simpatía

del agravio a la reconciliación

de la hostilidad a la paz


Tiempo de conversión

del ruido al silencio

de la agitación a la pausa

de la impaciencia a la serenidad

de la distracción a la serenidad

de lo superficial a lo esencial



Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld – 4

Salvatorian Universality in action

There are many different approaches to Salvatorian Universality. While the sisters and brothers of the religious communities see in it more the all-embracing love of God that is given to every human being without exception, we Lay Salvatorians seek a more practical application of it. For it is a truly universal instrument to give and make our neighbor experience the love of God.

As mentioned before, one of our most important guiding principles is the words of Blessed Francis Jordan: “Zolang er maar één persoon op aarde is die God niet kent en God niet boven alles liefheeft, je durft jezelf geen moment rust te gunnen. Lees verder

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld 1

De wereld vandaag

Sinds de leken-Salvatorianen zich in de jaren zeventig en tachtig van de vorige eeuw begonnen te ontwikkelen, hun imago is veel veranderd. Terwijl de eerste leken-Salvatorianen drop-outs waren van de twee Salvatoriaanse religieuze gemeenschappen, echte leken hebben in toenemende mate de huidige gemeenschappen opgebouwd. En met dat, er kwam een ​​enigszins andere geest of zienswijze aan het licht. Gelijk qua spirituele inhoud, maar verschillend uitgedrukt door het leven.

In het volgende wil ik een beeld schetsen van de leken-Salvatorianen van vandaag en hoe de ontwikkeling in de toekomst verder zou kunnen gaan.

De wereld waarin we leven heeft veel verschillende gezichten en daarmee ook veel verschillende levensproblemen en uitdagingen. Het naleven van ons christelijk-katholieke geloof is op veel plaatsen niet gemakkelijk en wordt steeds moeilijker, zelfs in die gebieden waar het voorheen als traditioneel werd beschouwd. De redenen hiervoor zijn divers en gaan in hoge mate hand in hand met veranderingen in onze waarden en standpunten over de samenleving. Lees verder

Lay Salvatorianen in de moderne wereld – 2

  1. Onderwijs


In today’s increasingly globalized world, where challenges must be addressed locally and globally at the same time, basic and comprehensive education is inevitable. Even if some people will not like going back to school, our world and life today afford lifelong learning everywhere. It is a slogan but if you think about it more closely at all times it was necessary to face new challenges and experiences and analyze them. Without doing so nobody would have been able to survive at any time. Today of course in a globalized world the amount of information is enormous and increasing. But to be interested in multifaceted topics can only marginally be compared with going to school again. Lees verder

Laten we samen lopen met Emmaüs …

Misschien ken je deze afbeelding gemaakt door Robert Zünd: “Op de wandeling naar Emmaüs”.
Hoe dan ook, velen van ons bevinden zich soms in soortgelijke situaties. De dag na het hoogfeest van Pasen is een goed moment om stil te staan ​​bij de woorden van Lucas 24, 13-35.
We willen je uitnodigen, als single of samen met anderen om je mening over deze tekst of wat je beweegt te delen in de reacties hieronder. Moge de zegen van de herrezen Heer over ons allemaal komen.

Advent – ​​een tijd van hoge verwachtingen

A time of quietness, a time of recovering, a time of reconsideration, a time of joyful anticipation. At least that we should connect with the word Advent, even if the world around isn’t it. The concentration on the center of our Salvatorian being, on Jesus Christ, and our reconsideration on his coming into our world should fill our hearts with great joy. I know that the reality is talking another language. The CoVid19 pandemic still forces many victims, the numbers of infects are increasing again, based on new mutations of the virus. Climate change is also hard knocking on our door but many people do not react, do not see the signs on the wall (“Mene mene tekel …” [Dan 5]) think they are not touched by that. Are we similar to King Belsazar?

Perhaps in the coming days of great anticipation, you will manage to take some time out. Time to question your own life, to re-explore, to reorient, and to rediscover the center of our Salvatorian being. Let us not close our eyes to the challenges and signs of the times, let us together courageously find new ways of consideration and sustainability. Let us learn to understand how each of us can counteract the pollution, exploitation, and injustice of the world.
May the song be an attunement for you for the coming time. In this sense a reflective Advent and really a time of great expectations

Gaan, je bent gestuurd! (Een dialoog met de geest)

A beautiful Sunday morning somewhere, – Pentecost Sunday! Just walking home from the holy mass. A joyful celebration, meaningful hymns were sung by the choir and the highlight a rain of smelling petals from roses and Pentecost roses after the Gloria. Still excited I find my way through the park. Parents are playing with their children, young couples sitting in the lawn, seniors are meeting their neighbours, everybody is in a good mood.

Out of a sudden, the last words of the mass come to my mind: “Go, you are sent”

„Hello my friend, je bent gestuurd! Do you remember me?“ an inner voice appears and start to talk to me.

I think: „Me? You mean, me? – Is that a misunderstanding. What happens here now?“ – Quite a confrontation develops with a long-repressed inner „relative“ (R) …

I’m sent? To what? To whom? – I’m only a simple Christian, going to Church on Sunday, meet fine people and friends there

(R): That’s all? – Gaan, je bent gestuurd! Is there not expected more?

Sent? – What does it mean: Sent?! – I am not an ancient apostle in a linen shirt and simple sandals, walking over the hills and sleeping somewhere like a homeless. What a curious image? – I live my life here and now in the 21. century. Life ticks differently todayLees verder