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Monday evening prayer for peace

A Salvatorian initiative for peace

Facing the oppressive pictures and news of the war in Europe let us restart with an initiative we had in the past already. It Is the Monday evening prayer for Justice &; Peace.

Apart from the current situation in eastern Europe, we all know more or less something about the difficulties and unmenschlich Kriegssituationen, crime, intolerance, Gewalt, and terror in many countries in the world. –; Aber was können wir tun, so einfach individuals against it?

One sign can be to come together on each Monday evening over the world for a prayer for justice and peace –; if in chapels, Kirchen, auf der Straße, at our work, or at home –; wo immer wir sind. Auf diese Weise, wir zeigen, dass niemand allein ist. There are more people with you in prayer than you can imagine. Invite family members, friends, neighbors, or someone you know and /or who could be interested and follow this idea. Spend a time of prayer and quietness together and ask the Lord to give peace in all hearts and minds, which are longing for it. Especially for the children, families, und Zivilisten, sondern auch für die Soldaten und Kämpfer, welche nicht von ihrem eigenen Willen in den Schlachten, sondern waren gezwungen, von anderen zu kämpfen.

Even if you’;re nur eine Minute in kurzen Gebet oder intensive Gedanken hier, Sie leben die Gemeinschaft mit Gott für den Frieden! –; Frieden ist immer möglich, wenn jemand es wagt den ersten Schritt. Vielleicht kann dieses Gebet erinnert uns daran, es mit diesem einfachen ersten Schritt zu starten!


Herr, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hated, let me sow love;
Wo gibt es Verletzungen, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, Glauben;
Where there is despair, hoffen;
Where there is darkness, Licht;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, Grant that I may no so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
Um zu verstehen, um zu verstehen;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
Es ist in begnadigen, dass wir begnadigt werden;
And it is in dying hat we are born into eternal life.

–; St. Francis of Assisi


The suffering world needs our prayer!

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