Place your personal request, your thank or prayer for the next issue here, by leaving a reply, please.
Post your prayer needs below and we will make sure to pray with you and for you. Tell your friends and help us grow this prayer effort because as it says in the bible “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” -Matthew 18:20.
God be with you and bless you.
for my son, James
Please pray for my son, James who is trying to get a job at his old company. He has had a difficult road to heal from the situation that caused him to leave. I hope he remains strong and succeeds with the help of prayers.
Here ik bid voor mijn neefje
Jahlion Elijah Rudolf Rasmijn die vandaag 16 jaar is geworden. Here wilt U hem rijkelijk zegenen met nog vele jaren van leven en gezondheid! Here wilt U hem altijd leiden op de goede weg dat hij met Jezus Christus mag opgroeien en altijd met Jezus Christus mag wandelen en dat hij goed zijn best mag blijven doen en vooruit mag gaan en al zijn doelen bereiken. Here dat hij altijd mag weten dat U er bent en dat U de enige echte God bent en dat hij altijd Jezus Christus in zijn hart mag hebben en dat hij altijd sterk mag zijn in zijn geloof en dat hij een goede relatie met Jezus Christus mag hebben in Jezus naam Amen!
Please remember in your prayers a 5 year old, Carter, who was just diagnosed with Leukemia.
Dios mío,
Tú que hiciste todo, el cielo y la tierra.
Todo lo que vive, crece y florece.
Tú que nos creasste.
Te agradecemos tanta riqueza.
Al mismo tiempo, te pedimos por fortaleza.
Poder para estar ahí el uno para el otro.
Fuerza para cuidar tu creación.
Sabiendo que no abandonas lo que comenzó tu mano.
Siempre eres fiel, hoy, mañana y en el futuro.
El título del documento es «Alabado seas», el primer verso del «Cántico de las criaturas» escrito por san Francisco de Asís en 1226, el primer gran manifiesto ecológico de la historia.
Cantico de las criatures
Altísimo y omnipotente buen Señor,
tuyas son las alabanzas, la gloria y el honor y toda bendición.
A ti solo, Altísimo, te convienen
y ningún hombre es digno de nombrarte.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, en todas tus criaturas,
especialmente en el hermano sol,
por quien nos das el día y nos iluminas.
Y es bello y radiante con gran esplendor,
de ti, Altísimo, lleva significación.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, por la hermana luna y las estrellas,
en el cielo las formaste claras y preciosas y bellas.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, por el hermano viento
y por el aire y la nube y el cielo sereno y todo tiempo,
por todos ellos a tus criaturas das sustento.
Alabado seas, mi Señor por la hermana Agua,
la cual es muy humilde, preciosa y casta.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, por el hermano fuego,
por el cual iluminas la noche,
y es bello y alegre y vigoroso y fuerte.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, por la hermana nuestra madre tierra,
la cual nos sostiene y gobierna
y produce diversos frutos con coloridas flores y hierbas.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, por aquellos que perdonan por tu amor,
y sufren enfermedad y tribulación;
bienaventurados los que las sufran en paz,
porque de ti, Altísimo, coronados serán.
Alabado seas, mi Señor, por nuestra hermana muerte corporal,
de la cual ningún hombre viviente puede escapar.
Ay de aquellos que mueran en pecado mortal.
Bienaventurados a los que encontrará en tu santísima voluntad
porque la muerte segunda no les hará mal.
Alaben y bendigan a mi Señor
y denle gracias y sírvanle con gran humildad…
Gracias por todas las bendiciones que me has dado, Dios porque me has bendecido con un alma, un resplandor de Tu Luz.
Porque me has bendecido dándome un ángel guardián para siempre, porque no me defraudará ni por un segundo;
Porque me bendices con la Paz y el Amor que viven en mí; Porque me bendices con la familia que me diste;
Porque me bendices con las personas en mi vida que me hacen compañía; Porque me bendices viviendo en armonía con las personas que me rodean; Porque me bendices a través de mi esfuerzo, mi trabajo;
Porque me bendices con todas las cosas materiales que tengo en mi vida, por grandes o pequeñas que sean;
Porque me bendices con este hermoso mundo y la naturaleza que me rodea. Gracias, oh Dios, por todas las cosas por las cuales me olvido de agradecerte. Y te agradezco especialmente. Dios, porque continúas bendiciendo mi vida.
Good God,
You who made everything, heaven and earth.
Everything that lives, grows and flowers.
You who made us.
We thank you for so much wealth.
At the same time we pray for strength.
Power to be there for each other.
Strength to take care of Your creation.
Knowing that you are not letting go what your hand started.
You are always faithful, today, tomorrow and in the future.
The title of the document is “Praised be you”, the first verse of the “Canticle of creatures” written by St. Francis of Assisi in 1226, the first great ecological manifesto in history.
Canticle of creatures
Most High, all powerful, good Lord,
Yours are the praises, the glory, the honor, and all blessing.
To You alone, Most High, do they belong,
and no man is worthy to mention Your name.
Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures,
especially through my lord Brother Sun,
who brings the day; and you give light through him.
And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor!
Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon
and the stars, in heaven you formed them clear and precious and beautiful.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Wind,
and through the air, cloudy and serene,
and every kind of weather through which
You give sustenance to Your creatures.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Water,
which is very useful and humble and precious and chaste.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Fire,
through whom you light the night and he is beautiful
and playful and robust and strong.
Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Mother Earth,
who sustains us and governs us and who produces
varied fruits with colored flowers and herbs.
Praised be You, my Lord,
through those who give pardon for Your love,
and bear infirmity and tribulation.
Blessed are those who endure in peace
for by You, Most High, they shall be crowned.
Praised be You, my Lord,
through our Sister Bodily Death,
from whom no living man can escape.
Woe to those who die in mortal sin.
Blessed are those whom death will
find in Your most holy will,
for the second death shall do them no harm.
Praise and bless my Lord,
and give Him thanks
and serve Him with great humility.
Thank you for all the blessings that You have given me, God that You have blessed me with a soul, a glimmer of Your Light.
That you have blessed me by giving me a guardian angel forever, who will not let me down for a second;
That You bless me with the Peace and the Love that live in me; That You bless me with the family You gave me;
That You bless me with the people in my life who keep me company; That You bless me by living in harmony with the people around me; That You bless me through my effort, my work;
That You bless me with all the material things that I have in my life, however big or small they are;
That You bless me with this beautiful world and the nature around me. Thank You, O God, for all the things for which I forget to thank You. And I thank you especially. God, because You continue to bless my life.
Sr. Dios te pedimos desde la Asamblea Internacional de Salvaterranos, en Hamont 2018, por nuestros hermanos que están sufriendo en toda Latinoamérica, y en especial por los últimos acontecimientos de Nicaragua, para que sea derramado tu amor y misericordia sobre todo el pueblo de Dios,.
Módlmy się o liczne powołania do rodziny ICDS
Pedimos por el exito de la asamblea de familia salvatoriana en Medellin Colombia
We ask for prayers for all Australian Lay Salvatorians as they work tirelessly towards increasing their numbers especially in the Eastern States.
We ask for prayers for Samantha and Flavia as they prepare to make their commitment to the Lay Salvatorians
Many thanks for all your prayers and best wishes.
I am pleased to inform you that my operation was a success and now in a period of recovery with further treatment to come keep me in your parayers
Please pray for me to have a successful operation on 12thJanuary 2017 and make a full recovery
Thank you Father Jordan for taking care of me
Les pido oración por el Padre Marcin Pawell SDS, para que Dios lo bendiga en su caminar en su nueva encomienda en su país y se puedan concretar los proyectos que se tienen para él y los que tiene él personalmente. Jesús salvador de los hombres, sálvalos, sálvalos.
For the mother and the family of a Lay Salvatorian brother in VE, who will need your closeness o Lord very much in the coming days!
dear sir’s
jun 16 – 2016
dear lays
we ask you for prayers on behalf of our relative who becom very sic ” cancer ”
his name is BASSEM from Nazareth , he is marred has a nice famely boys and girls
about 45 years old when i did see him last week i said to my self just prayers support him ,
OUR LORD JESUS , HOLY FAMELY OF NAZARETH we need your mercy for bassem and his famely
may you be the hand of the cergent at the hospetal , please lord your word , your think of him , your tuch save him of that cancer get him back home safe and healthy to hisfamely , just if it is good for him , let it be your will as you want
thank you for every thing .
O Lord,
We mourn the death and destruction in Ecuador,
we want to pray for those who died in this recent disaster.
Be with the involved families in these heavy hours
and give them comfort.
We want to pray for the living survivors.
Be with them, Lord, in this traumatic time.
May they experience Your healing,
In their spirits as well as their bodies.
We want to pray for the communities affected.
May they come together in solidarity and Christian charity
To rebuild and to affirm new life
Amid the destroyed stones.
O Lord, be closed to them.
que asi sea Amen
Hoy quiero pedir a mis amigos una oración especial por Doña Gabriela, que el señor la fortalezca en este momento crítico para su salud. Y fortalezca a toda la familia, Ilumine y guíe a los médicos para que tomen las mejores decisiones.
We want to ask you all to pray for the health of Livia’s Mother (Gabriela), Colombian lay Salvatorian