The first participants have already arrived and are preparing the rooms. We are all very engaged, motivated, and excited. We are looking forward to this important event.
The first participants have already arrived and are preparing the rooms. We are all very engaged, motivated, and excited. We are looking forward to this important event.
The beautiful week with many wonderful talks, intensive discussions, the sharing of our Salvatorian faith, spirit, and charism is gone. Quietness is back in the halls and rooms of the school in Hamont. Where are the laughs, the different voices, the songs, the prayers?
We take it home to our sisters and brothers in our units and will try to inspire, encourage and motivate them in the Salvatorian spirit.
Many tasks and challenges are on the path in front of us. But guided by the Holy Spirit, and by mutual strengthening, we will reach our common target:
“…that ALL should know you, the only true God,
and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ”
John 17,3
Many thanks and blessing to all, who made these beautiful days, this beautiful event possible. A reminder to the participants to sign up in our forum to the current workgroups and invite others into cooperation. Other workgroups, in addition, could be possible to establish if needed, so be prepared, please.
Let’s form one body of Lay Salvatorians all over the world. This target we only can achieve if we stay strong together and focus on this important target.
Rita and I leave as the last ones from Hamont now. So bye bye Hamont, this week will be in our hearts forever.
Greetings, blessings and be God be with you on all your paths.
We began the day gathering for a group picture in the beautiful garden here at the Salvatorian Fathers school here in Hamont where we have been staying these past days. After breakfast, we met for our final day of meetings. We spoke of the budget and the need for all units to help in the financial operation of the ICDS.
Christian, our newly elected leader asked us to form six workgroups to carry on the work of the Committee. If we all join together, much can be accomplished. We gathered in our individual groups and made plans for how we will connect with one another as we continue the work discussed at our meeting. We shared our thoughts and dreams for the future. We formed bonds of love and friendship in spite of the challenges of language and culture. We leave with renewed energy to make our Savior known and loved by all peoples everywhere. At the closing of our day, we shared in a beautiful liturgy and were sent in mission to carry the light of Christ to our home units and all who we encounter in our daily lives.
Today we began “Envisioning the Future” focusing on the next several years. Many thoughts and ideas were brought forward which the participants will take home to their units. The outgoing General Committee members gave some reflection on their term of office.
Christian as the incoming President gave an overview on six work groups and asked the participants to sign up to join one of them. We broke into small groups to process what we heard and share our ideas. We also shared about the challenges in our units.
After lunch, Christian presented a powerpoint on “Formation in Action”. The last part of the day was a role-playing game of two skits concerning two individual members who are asking about the Lay Salvatorians…one was a very enthusiastic person and the other was a reluctant person. The folks who took part in the skits did an awesome job. We laughed until our sides ached. It was a good way to see the different gifts and ingenuity of our members.
After supper, we are going to visit an apostolate of the Belgian Province called the Salvatorian Relief Project.
Christain Patzl (AT), Rita VanOlmen (BE), Olga Lucia Hurtado (CO), Ken Drake (US), Anne Cullender (AUS), Sabin Ormaza (VE)
Today was a very intense but fruitful day. The participants began the day by passing four Salvatorian Family Proposals. Next they established the date for the Change of Leadership (December 8). The reason for this is because after the election, the old and the new leadership teams need time to work together for a time to aid in a smooth transition.
We listened to a presentation on the Unit Compliance to the ICDS Statutes by the Auditor and an ICDS proposal on finances was passed.
After lunch, the voting delegates voted for the new leadership team: Christian Patzl (Austria)-President, Ken Drake (USA)- Vice President, Sabin Ormaza (Venezuela)- Committee Member, Anne Cullender (Australia)-Committee Member, Rita Van Olmen (Belgium)- Committee Member and Olga Hurtado (Colombia)-Committee Member. The two Auditors are Celso Calleff (Brazil) and Martina Patzl (Austria). After the election, we shared in a special liturgy, prepared and celebrated by Fr. Piet before retiring to the dining room for champagne and great Chinese meal.
The day began with liturgy at 7:30 am. Fr. Leonard from Australia was the presider. After breakfast we spent the entire morning in a very informative Web Workshop led by Christian. We explored the website and learned lots of great things about it that we will share with our members when we return to our home places.
The afternoon began with a prayer led by Australia. We then began discussing the ICDS proposal regarding the election procedure. After lots of respectful discussion the proposal passed unanimously to elect the President and Vice President and then four Committee members. Once the newly elected General Committee members begin to work together they will decide among themselves who will fulfill what role based on the skills and needs of the group.
After the proposal was passed, the next topic was Mission in Action. Participants shared what apostolates they are involved in and what is taking place in their communities.
After a very fruitful day, our closing prayer was led by Venezuela.
A day for recreation, visitation (Neuwerk, Myllendonk and Aaachen), contemplation and prayer, and also some free time …