Dear readers,

Since accessing the internet in Logrone was very difficult because the corresponding wifi networks kept crashing, I will now make the events available here as a roundup.


The packed program of the assembly continued. We saw an outline of the signs of the times and how we might respond to their questions, and an introduction to the ROPs, what they are, and what significance they have for the work of the organization. This revealed some discussion points, which were further explored in small groups.

In the afternoon, we had a presentation by the outgoing Superior General of the Salvatorians, Fr. Milton Zonta SDS. He shared with us the developments within the Society and its intentions for the future. Of course, aspects of the collaboration between the three Salvatorian branches were also an important topic.

Another important point of the day was the question of how to improve communication. This applies to both external and internal communication. We discussed the question of the appropriate use of the so-called “social media” and which options we should use. A separate working group (committee) was set up for this purpose.

Finally, the three proposals regarding the three joint commissions of the Salvatorian Family regarding Identity & Mission, Justice and Peace, and Integrity of the Creation (JPIC), as well as the Expanding the Salvatorian Family got voted positively.



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