Dear readers,

Since accessing the internet in Logrone was very difficult because the corresponding wifi networks kept crashing, I will now make the events available here as a roundup.


The morning began with a lecture on the content of a message. How is the message “sent” and what content is “received”? What do we read or believe we read in the message? We realized that there are several very different possibilities as to why misinterpretations can occur in communication again and again. The “familiar” saying “The window is open” accompanied us for further discussion in the small groups – but also for the rest of the whole meeting.

In any case, it is important to pay more attention to what is said in the future and, if necessary, to ask questions several times.


The next important item on the agenda was formation and ongoing formation. It was shown that Lay Salvatorians are called to appear in environments where people do not traditionally count on them. They have to give answers on the signs of the time and the challenges that people have in their life and their circumstances. Only religious and/or theological formation is very necessary but seems not to reach the necessities. Lay Salvatorians have to have also knowledge of national and international social, political, economical, and ecological issues with attentiveness to the signs of the times, as stated in the statutes.

An own committee will be established to combine the already available material and translate it if necessary. A more or less red line should be worked out with the main topics where the units can add or adapt the material based on the necessities in the place.


At the end of the day, the election process got into the focus. The qualities and criteria for each office were presented and described and which kind of task and work is connected with it. This should give the people time to reflect and search for the best heads for the good development and future of the ICDS.


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