We began the day gathering for a group picture in the beautiful garden here at the Salvatorian Fathers school here in Hamont where we have been staying these past days. After breakfast, we met for our final day of meetings. We spoke of the budget and the need for all units to help in the financial operation of the ICDS.

Christian, our newly elected leader asked us to form six workgroups to carry on the work of the Committee. If we all join together, much can be accomplished. We gathered in our individual groups and made plans for how we will connect with one another as we continue the work discussed at our meeting. We shared our thoughts and dreams for the future. We formed bonds of love and friendship in spite of the challenges of language and culture. We leave with renewed energy to make our Savior known and loved by all peoples everywhere. At the closing of our day, we shared in a beautiful liturgy and were sent in mission to carry the light of Christ to our home units and all who we encounter in our daily lives.


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  • DSCN5638_(800_x_600): © https://www.laysalvatorians.org