A new team on the bridge

Christain Patzl (AT), Rita VanOlmen (BE), Olga Lucia Hurtado (CO), Ken Drake (US), Anne Cullender (AUS), Sabin Ormaza (VE)
Today was a very intense but fruitful day. The participants began the day by passing four Salvatorian Family Proposals. Next they established the date for the Change of Leadership (December 8). The reason for this is because after the election, the old and the new leadership teams need time to work together for a time to aid in a smooth transition.
We listened to a presentation on the Unit Compliance to the ICDS Statutes by the Auditor and an ICDS proposal on finances was passed.
After lunch, the voting delegates voted for the new leadership team: Christian Patzl (Austria)-President, Ken Drake (USA)- Vice President, Sabin Ormaza (Venezuela)- Committee Member, Anne Cullender (Australia)-Committee Member, Rita Van Olmen (Belgium)- Committee Member and Olga Hurtado (Colombia)-Committee Member. The two Auditors are Celso Calleff (Brazil) and Martina Patzl (Austria). After the election, we shared in a special liturgy, prepared and celebrated by Fr. Piet before retiring to the dining room for champagne and great Chinese meal.
Latest posts by Christian (Posts)
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image sources
- DSCN5639_(800_x_600): © https://www.laysalvatorians.org
Congratulations to the new leadership team. We are in good hands for the future. Many, many thanks to those who have been faithfully serving. I look forward to hearing the results of the proposals and our directions at the Unit level. Thank you for saying Yes to God’s call to leadership.
Nuestros mejores deseos para el nuevo equipo de gobierno, y nuestro agradecimiento para el equipo saliente por el buen trabajo realizado.
Gracias por hacer posible que todos los laicos Salvatorianos del mundo estemos unidos trabajando para la mayor gloria de Dios.
Comunidad laicos Salvatorianos de España.