The 2018 International Assembly of the Divine Savior is underway. The day began with a beautiful liturgy led by Fr. Milton, assisted by Fr.Piet, Fr. Leonard, Fr. Jan, and Fr. Augustin. At the end of the liturgy, the candle was lit and we walked in procession to our meeting room. An ice breaker was planned as a way of getting to know one another and learn how much we share in common.

Fr. Milton and Sr. Marion offered words of welcome and shared greetings on behalf of  the members of the Society and the Congregation. Each participant was given a book from Fr. Milton and a medal with a relic of Mother Mary from Sr. Marion. Fr. Piet also gave words of welcome as the Provincial of the Belgian Province. He gifted us with a booklet that described the history of the Salvatorian community at Hamont that he had designed. The Salvatorian Fathers have been in Hamont since 1900 and Fr. Jordan visited here many times.

After a lovely mid-day meal, a prayer was offered by Martina from Austria. This was followed by approval of the agenda and a powerpoint presentation with the History of the Units. After a break, the Salvatorian Family Proposals were introduced. We closed with prayer and went on to supper. Looking forward to a much needed rest. Keep us in your prayers!


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